Monday, April 19, 2010

So I Almost Cried

I have the utmost respect for a very good friend of mine who brought me to tears this evening and she doesn't even know it.  I was looking at pictures on her blog.  Both of her children are adopted.  The pictures were of her son and his biological grandparents playing at my friend's house.  I could see the look of idolization on the grandparent's faces.  What brought the tears to my eyes is that even though my friend's son is adopted, he'll never not know his grandparents and biological family.  (Yes, I'm aware I used a double negative)  So I'll say it again.  He'll never NOT know his grandparents.  He'll go through life being raised by wonderful parents who aren't afraid to share him with those to whom he has biological ties.  And because of that, his adoptive parents will have even closer ties to him because he'll never feel pulled between adoptive and biological.  He'll never know the difference and he won't have to question whether or not his biological family love him.  He'll just know that tons of relatives love him, both adoptive and biological.  And life doesn't get any better than that.


  1. Trica, thank you for reminding me that more grandparents are great. He and his sister are loved so very much. It takes an adopted person to understand all this and remind us how lucky they both are.
