Friday, April 30, 2010

Good Night

Six kids and a husband all tucked into bed and a tired mom on the way there soon.   Tay is at a friend's house for the night but we have two extra kids till tomorrow.  Brit and I ate snacks and watched movie in her room tonight.  She's been begging all week but I can't stay up that late on a weeknight.  I'll take all the "us" time I can get.  The more time we spend together, the better I know her, which seems to be more and more important in these turbulant preteen years.  Although sometime around 9:30pm, the little girl crawled up next to me in Brit's bed.  She's sound asleep now :)

Anthony Says

Jen sees David is soaked from head to toe.  I asked Anthony what happened.

Anthony:  "Well, you see, David has water on him."

Me: "I see that.  How did he get water all over himself?"

Anthony:  "Well, he had a water bottle."

Me:  "But how did he get the water all over himself?"

Anthony:  "He had Taylor's water bottle in my room."

Me:   "But why is he wet?"

Anthony:  "Well...........................Sorry mom."

(That's his version of "I dumped a water bottle on him but I didn't really want to tell you". )

Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Turn

Steve, God and I are contemplating a new turn in my life.  Steve and I are on the same page and now it's just a matter of making sure that it's a path that God has in store for me.  I wouldn't even mention it on the blog because I don't think it's fair to keep people in suspense but need to ask for your prayers.  I'd like prayer for guidance and wisdom to follow God's plan and not my own agenda.  And for God to make my path clear, one way or the other. 

No matter the outcome, I'll post about it in a month or two.
PS:  I'm not planning on getting pregnant nor are Steve and I splitting up :)

Anthony Says

We were downstairs watching the repairman fix the dryer.  Anthony was noticing all the other equipment in the laundry room, like the washing machine, the furnace and the water softener.  He pointed at the big water softener container and asked what was in it.  I told him it contained salt.  His next question had me temporarily stumped.  He pointed at the smaller water softener container and asked, "Is that where we keep the pepper?"

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Taylor Says

Taylor:  "Mom, what is Memorial Day?"
Me:  "It's a special day when we remember people who have died."
Taylor:  "Like Papa Chester, Papa Steve and Papa Larry?"
Me:  "Papa Larry didn't die."
Taylor:  "Yes he did.  And then he rose again."
(Even though the story is funny, she actually isn't as far off as you'd think.  When my dad was 13, his appendix burst.  He was really sick and actually clinically dead for a short period of time.  Tay has obviously heard this story and the Easter story more than once!)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm in the Country Doing Laundry

My brand new dryer has a button that's stuck so I can't do any laundry at home.  The good news is that it is still under warranty; the bad news is that they won't be able to look at it until Thursday.  And with seven people in our house, the laundry can't wait until then.  So I'm here at my folks house out in the country doing load after load, trying to get as much done as I can before I need to pick up the kids after school. 
It's hard to just hang out here waiting on laundry.  At home, there's so much I can accomplish around the house between loads.  I did bring some VBS stuff to work on and a book.  I think Anthony and I will go for a walk for the last half hour.   Thankfully, I only have one load left since I got here and got started at 8:30am this morning.   It's just Zeke's laundry left and my mom said she'd finish whatever I didn't get done.  Thank you!
By the way, special thanks to Jen for taking me to Sioux Falls yesterday and helping me find a new camera. Now I'll be able to see what I'm taking a pictures of again!
Also, thanks to a very special someone who went out with me last night on my birthday even though I asked spur of the moment and we decided to leave later than I'm usually out.  Conversation that made my day!  You know who you are :)  I promise I won't embarrass you!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Birthday


We went to the library and Hy-Vee and i got 2 dog toys and they are very prective of them!1!1!1!1

                                                                                       Brittney Marie

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Today and Next Fall

Steve took the kids to church this morning while I stayed home.  The kids played outside quite a bit this afternoon even though the temperature isn't as warm as we'd like it.  This evening, we all attended the end of the year gymnastics club banquet.  We have our annual meeting at the same time and it looks like I'll be on the booster club board for the upcoming year.  I'll also be doing interviews tomorrow for the school.  No, I'm not applying for a job.  The school district is applying for a higher level of accredidation and part of the process is to interview people within the district and get their input on the school system.

I'm actually having a good time getting back into the real world after a few years of just managing the day to day lives of my family.
I've had a few people ask me what I plan to do in the fall when I have child number 5 going off to school.  Here are a few of my intentions:
*Lots and lots of laundry
*Lots and lots of cleaning and organizing
*Playing with David and Kassy
*Continue foster parenting
*Continue/increase PRIDE training - Training others in SD to become licensed foster/adoptive parents
*Continue on the PPRT Board- Conducting reviews of children in foster care every month
*Serve on the Gymnastics Booster Club board
*Zeke's surgery in late fall - 5 days in the hospital, casts for 6 weeks +
*Continue Tuesday morning bible study
*Work in all my kids' classrooms at school - This year I could only schedule Tay's every week
*Continue as Preschool Director for VBS
*Continue meeting with parents and the Special Ed director for the school district
*Continue mowing at the church until it gets too cold
*Read, read, read
*Learn, learn, learn

Suprise Birthday Pictures

My cake and my Diet Dew.

I only had to blow out 3 candles.
One for each decade, I guess.

Thanks Holly for dishing up the ice cream!

Coby wanted to play with the big kids!

Hubby and Dad enjoying their supper.

What a nutrious birthday supper!

Anyone want any olives?

It was a bit chilly
but some of the kids still played outside.

Coby & David
helping take out the trash after the party.

Aubrey & Taylor
upset because there's not going to be a sleepover.

Brittney Does Taylor's Hair

Riley Reciting His Poetry

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Have I ever mentioned I hate suprises?  I like to have a plan in advance, in triplicate, of all possible outcomes and then go over the plan more than once.  My eldest daughter and husband have no such issues.  Which is how it came to pass that Brittney planned a suprise birthday party for me.  Usually I can read Steve like a book and he could have never gotten away without me finding out.  Also, over the past 12 years of marriage, he knows that I don't like suprises and I don't like parties and he wants to have a happy wife.  So he knows better than to throw me a suprise party.  But I forgot that Brittney is now old enough to do something like this on her own. Although I suspect she had quite a bit of help at the end from Grandma Connie.  When Grandma asked Brit what her plan was for the food, Brit thought a minute and then said, "I think we have hot dogs."
So we had all kinds of food, cake, ice cream and friends who all showed up at our house this afternoon.  Which totally explained why Steve was cleaning the bathroom and vaccuuming this morning at 9am.
Inspite of it being a suprise party, I did actually enjoy hanging out with everyone. Pictures of the party will be posted tomorrow!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I don't feel like blogging and I really don't feel like being upbeat.  It's a combination of stuff that's really bringing me down.  Perhaps someday I'll blog about it.  But not today.


Yesterday was Thursday chat, a quick trip to Luverne and soccer in the evening.  Today PPRT (Permanancy meetings for kids in foster care) and a poetry program at school.  I hope I can get a few decent pictures with my broken camera.  I'm also hoping the rain holds off for a few more hours so I can get some mowing done at the church.  I guess it's supposed to rain all weekend. 
Also, I found out the real reason Riley cut his finger.  It wasn't a stick.  He "borrowed" a jacknife and was trying to cut a tree branch.  It slipped and cut his finger.  I found the knife when I looked out the kitchen window and saw Anthony and Zeke digging in the dirt with it.  When I talked to Riley about it, he said he lied because he didn't want to get in trouble.  So then I had to explain that he had already gotten the punishment all on his own - a seriously cut finger.  I also talked to him about the fact that I can know how to help much better when I know how an accident happened.  And that if I knew there was a knife still in the backyard where Riley dropped it, I would have picked it up so that the little boys wouldn't get hurt with it.
Boys are very different than girls :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

 "You can not hide what's inside, it's sure to come out;
your words may whisper but your actions shout!"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stay Safe!

I had a VBS brainstorming meeting this morning from 9-noon, got to have lunch with my mom and Steve at QDoba's, worked on material for some training this evening and then picked the kids up from school.  Tonight we had Brit's gymnastics, Riley's soccer, Steve's Swiftel Center employee appreciation picnic and my PRIDE training. 
The PRIDE training went really well but we have a really small group this time.  It's always fun to get to know the people who are being trained to become foster or adoptive parents and help them learn about the kids and the system.  It's one of my favorite jobs. 
Unfortunately, the evening training is 3 hours long each session so it gets done after dark.  Normally, I wouldn't think twice about it but in the last couple of weeks there have been 3 serious attacks on women in Brookings.  I totally forgot about it tonight as I was leaving the meeting.  I walked the gal I co-train with to the front door where she was parked and then I went around by myself to the back door where I was parked.  I didn't even think about the attacks until I got back home and saw it on the computer again.  Here I am encouraging other people to be safe and I wasn't even thinking about it myself.  I think I'll double check all the locks tonight.

Happy Birthday Jody!!!!

Today is my brother's birthday!  I couldn't ask for a better big brother.  He's always looking out for me and I know I can count on him.  He's never let me down.  He'd give me the shirt off his back if I asked him to. When he commits to something, I know it will happen.   He's given me some of the best family advice ever and he even lets me cry on his shoulder when I need to.  He designed and built our shed/playhouse and loves spending time with me and my kids.  He gets along with everyone and doesn't let anyone slow him down.  I'm not even going to try to list all his good qualities 'cause I'd be here writing on the computer all day.  He's a great dad and an awesome brother!

Happy birthday big bro!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

So I Almost Cried

I have the utmost respect for a very good friend of mine who brought me to tears this evening and she doesn't even know it.  I was looking at pictures on her blog.  Both of her children are adopted.  The pictures were of her son and his biological grandparents playing at my friend's house.  I could see the look of idolization on the grandparent's faces.  What brought the tears to my eyes is that even though my friend's son is adopted, he'll never not know his grandparents and biological family.  (Yes, I'm aware I used a double negative)  So I'll say it again.  He'll never NOT know his grandparents.  He'll go through life being raised by wonderful parents who aren't afraid to share him with those to whom he has biological ties.  And because of that, his adoptive parents will have even closer ties to him because he'll never feel pulled between adoptive and biological.  He'll never know the difference and he won't have to question whether or not his biological family love him.  He'll just know that tons of relatives love him, both adoptive and biological.  And life doesn't get any better than that.

Darn It, There Goes My Mother of the Year Award!!!

After a busy day in Sioux Falls, I didn't really want to make supper and clean it up.  Steve's mom, Sandy,  is here, passing through on her way back home after visiting Steve's sister, Staci, in Kansas City.  Sandy agreed that it would be fun and easy to eat out, so we did.  We tried the new Pizza/Pasta/Chicken place downtown.  The three kids we took behaved well and the food was good, so I was content. 

As we were pulling back into the driveway at 6:55pm, I realized that I had forgotten to take Riley and Taylor to their soccer clinic from 6-7pm.  Oops!

Sioux Falls

Anthony and I went to Sioux Falls with Jen and her kids today to run and errand for her husband.  While we there, we got McDonald's for the kids and QDoba's for us and then took the kids to the park to eat and play.  What a beautiful spring day!

Riley's Injury

Sunday evening, I was folding clothes in the bedroom and the kids were playing outside.  Suddenly, Riley came running into the house, screaming, "I'm on fire!!!  I'm on fire!!!"
I rushed to the kitchen to see him holding is arm.  Thankfully, no real fire.
Apparently, he had cut his thumb pretty badly on a stick and his hand felt like it was on fire.  We held his thumb under cold water for a while and then iced it to try to slow the bleeding.  Finally, I got out the gause and antibiotic cream and wrapped it up tightly and had him lay in my bed with his arm propped up.  When I took the bandage off this morning to check it and re-wrap it, the cut was from the tip of his thumb to a quarter of the way down his thumb and was pretty deep.  But he's definitely a boy!  It was feeling good enough for him to take the bandage off at school for a minute to show his friends! 


Sunday morning was church and then helping get the lunch ready for 20's Diner, which is the lunch that our church serves to college kids once a month.  We had a pretty big group. I think around 140 kids.  I stayed around to help clean up and then as I was walking out to my van in the empty parking lot, I realized that before church, I had put my van keys in Taylor's coat pocket so I wouldn't have to carry them around while I was working.  And then after lunch, Taylor went home with Steve and had no idea that my keys were in her pocket.  I had to call Steve and have him bring my keys to me so I could drive home.  Oops!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Saturday in brief:

*Brit wasn't crabby (yet) after her gymnastics sleepover.

*Soccer was cold but sunny

*Taylor made a card and got a cute webkins to give to her friend, Haley, for her birthday party this afternoon.

*I helped cut fruit and make pork loin for 20's Diner tomorrow with my friend Rebecca, until she had to pick up her son and take him to the emergency room for 8+ stitches in his head.  I called Steve to help me finish cutting all the pork loin. By the time Rebecca came back, we were almost finished.

*Our family headed to the Boy Scout Spagetti Feed for supper.  $20 for a family ticket, which included spagetti, breadsticks, salad, drinks and tons of deserts.  That's a bargin for our family!  Plus, we got to visit with lots of people we don't see very often.  Thanks to my friend Maria for the great supper idea!!!

*As we were driving out of the parking lot of the Catholic church, I spotted a basket with four little puppies.  I stopped the van just as the lady was letting them out.  She let the kids, and Steve, hold and play with them for a while.  They were only 8 weeks old and simple adorable.  It was kind of a sad story as the woman had taken the mother dog everywhere with her. They were best friends.  This lady was with her dad because he was having cancer surgery.  As she was at his bedside, she received a call that her dog was going into labor.  The dad's surgery didn't go as well as expected and they just closed him back up and said that the cancer was too widespread to do anything. Then she finds out that her dog is having a difficult labor.  Once the puppies are born, the vet, trying to sew up the mother, nicked her bladder and she bled to death.  So now this poor lady is losing her father and has lost her dog.  Tears rolled down her face as she was telling me the story.  She said she's probably keeping two of the dogs and will eventually sell the other two, but I think it'll be difficult for her to part with them.  It would be be hard for me to part with them :)

*Baths are done and all but the oldest child are in bed for the night.  I think I'll read a good book.  I just finished The Name of the Rose.  It was a good read but only if you like to be intellectually and spiritually challenged.  There were a lot of very controversial thoughts in the book but definitely worth thinking about.   Kind of a really in depth DaVinci Code type book.
Happy End of Saturday!


Marker War

Wednesday night at church, Taylor had a substitute teacher.  When he was busy doing something else, a few of the kids decided to have a marker war.  By the time we picked her up after church, Taylor was covered head to toe in different color markings.  Complete with a brown mustache drawn on her face.  I should have taken a picture! 
All the poor sub could say to me was, "I'm so sorry!  I only turned my back for a second!"
Little did he know, a second is all it takes for Taylor!

Taco Finger

After school on Thursday, Riley's teacher informed me that another kid in his class had bitten Riley.  I thought it was a bit unusual for a 2nd grader, but what do I know.  The teacher thought that Riley was ok, but wanted me to know that the other child would be talked to the next day.  (ie. the other kid would be in big trouble).   Then we went on our way.
Later that evening, I discussed the situation with Riley.  I asked why the other kid bit him.  Riley told me that he (Riley) poked his finger toward the other kid's mouth while saying, "It's a taco finger!  It's a taco finger!"
So the other kid bit Riley's finger.
I figured I had better go explain to the teacher.  When I did, she said that the other kid was already going to be serving detention for biting.  So I went to talk to the principal.  I explained to him what had really occured and asked that he not be too hard on the other kid.  After he heard the entire story, he said, "So detention probably isn't appropriate?"
"Nope.  Probably not."

Friday, April 16, 2010

More Tomorrow

Yesterday involved a Taco Finger and Wednesday involved a Marker War.  I'll tell you a bit more about that tomorrow.


Awesome necklace I won for having the most wins at Bunco tonight!
Thanks for a fun night ladies!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

End of the School Year is Fast Approaching

It's so hard to get on the computer when the weather is so nice!  I think of tons of stuff to blog about when I'm out and about but I just don't want to sit down in front of the computer.  So all the really good blogging material will probably come when it's storming or something :)
Never the less, here's this week's brief update, in no particular order:

*Thursday Chat is always a good time and it's always a different mix of gals.  Today, the kids played outside, Jen made some delicious mini muffins for snack and I was able to pass on some 5T boys clothes that we have outgrown.  Have I mentioned lately that I have some awesome friends!!!

*I finally have all the kids' spring/summer clothes in their closets and dressers.  Taylor was the final hold out because she tends to get into the totes in the storage room by herself.  So then I end up with a huge mess of clothes of all sizes and seasons all over the floor.  I had to wash them all, resort them and then have her put away the summer stuff in her room.  We finally finished hers today.

*I totally forgot what day it was today so Anthony and I walked to school to pick up the kids.  It matters because after school on Fridays, if Zeke's had a good week at school, he rides the bus to the Boys & Girls Club.  I thought it was Friday.  By the time I realized it was only Thursday,  Anthony and I had already walked to the school.  So poor Zeke had to walk with us all the way home.  It's not that far and it is good exercise, but they had gone to a play at the college today and had to walk quite a bit there, too.  The boy was really tired by the time we got home.  He barely stayed awake for supper and his bath!

*Tuesday was our last official day of Tuesday morning bible study until fall.  It's bittersweet.  It gets to be hard to keep up with the committment this time of year and there are lots of other things going on.  But when it's done, I always miss the people, the study and the discussions.  In honor of the last day, we had a smorgassbord of breakfast goodies.  It's one of the best days to be in the group!

*Wednesday night, Zeke recited the entire Lord's Prayer!  Have I mentioned he's a very smart kid?!

*I'm excited to be invited to play Bunco again this Friday night.  I really enjoy the bunch of women that play and I'm kind of on their permanent sub list.  I didn't want to commit to being a regular member but I love subbing when I can. 

*Spring Soccer starts on Monday for Riley and Taylor.  They're both itching to get out on the field again.  I found Taylor some new soccer shoes for only $3 at Once Upon a Child in Sioux Falls.

*That reminds me, Jen and I ran an errand for her husband on Monday.  While we were in Sioux Falls, we took the opportunity to do a little shopping and find some great bargins!  Zeke and Riley each got PJ's, Taylor got shoes and Brittney got shorts.  And Anthony got to go along on the trip, along with David and Kassy.
Steve's softball team started practicing last week.  He was pretty happy to have a new glove and shoes for the season.  Taylor and Riley went with him to the 2nd practice.  I'm looking forward to taking the rest of the family out to watch once school's done and it's not so late.
Brittney's gymnastics team is having a sleepover tomorrow night at the gym in honor of their accomplishments at the State Meet.  They get pizza, play games, play on the gym equipment and watch movies.  We get a really tired kid the next day!
Coming up next week: 
I'll be co-leading a PRIDE class (foster parent training/licensing in SD), taking Riley & Tay to a soccer clinic, helping in Taylor's 1st grade class, PPRT's (I'm on the team that does monthly/yearly reviews of children in foster care in our area to ensure they are progressing in the way that most benefits the child ), attending a Swiftel Center employee appreciation picnic, watching Steve's softball, attending Riley's Poetry Party and the Gymnastics end-of-the-year banquet. 
We're really starting to get into the year-end stuff!  Busy times but all worth it!!!  
School is out on May 21st, so until then, I'll probably be posting more pictures than words.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Mom!!!!

Happy Birthday to a great mom who, inspite of being a caring, loving, compassionate woman with a non-conflicting personality, has managed to survive having me as a child. 
So congrats on making it to old age depite all the challenges.  Have I mentioned lately I'm so sorry everything I did and said from age 10-20?
Anyway, I thought about writing a really sappy note on here for your birthday just to make you cry, but how fun would that be if I couldn't even watch!

Today Zeke walked by Sue Carlson's kindergarten room and some little kid was celebrating his birthday.  Zeke told Sue that it was his Grandma Connie's birthday today, too, and Grandma needed a birthday crown to wear just like the kindergarten kid.  So she gave him one and put your name on it!  Maybe we'll bring it to church tomorrow for you.  I know you'll wear it proudly!

(Laughing So Hard My Sombrero Falls Off And I Drop My Taco)
(My new version of LOL :)

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!!!!
I really wanted to start this post with a picture of my mom as a baby but since our scanner isn't working I'll just have to post pictures that I already have on the computer. 

Try This

Try this:
8 oz. cream cheese softened
1/4 c. white sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla

Blend well and dip your favorite fruit in this YUMMY treat!

It's so easy and delicious!!!!!

Thanks for sharing Sara :)  The best recipies are always the ones you get from friends!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Two Dollars Made My Whole Year!!!

A few weeks ago, Riley lost his Boys & Girls Club card.  He couldn't go back to the club until he found it, which was really hard on him because he really enjoys the club.  He'd looked all over and still couldn't find it.  I didn't think it was right to give him money to replace something he was irresponsible with but I also didn't think it was right for him to not be able to attend the club again.  So this weekend I gave him the opportunity to earn the $2.00 for a replacement card by picking up all the sticks in the front yard.  He tackled it right away and the yard looked great.
Knowing that the money might be a temptation before he got to the club after school, I put the $2.00 in a sealed envelope this morning and reminded him it was for his club card.  When Steve picked him up tonight, Riley came to me right away and told me that he had found his old card at the club.  He hadn't wanted to tell me he found it so he could spend the money on a drink at the club and I would just think he'd purchased a club card.  But he knew he shouldn't tell a lie.  So he brought the money back to me, still in the sealed envelope!   He has come so far :) 
I pulled him onto my lap, gave him a big hug and told him how proud I was of him that he had chosen to do the right thing.  Then I handed the envelope back to him and told him since he had earned it by doing his job and he didn't need to buy a new club card anymore, the money was now all his.
In case you couldn't tell, Taylor has now figured out how to access the blog.

Taylor Siad

This   is    Taylor        I    Love    you     Grandma     Coinne
"People are like stained glass windows - the true beauty can be seen only when there is light from within. The darker the night, the brighter the windows."  -Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Thanks to my zipline friend Deb for this quote!


As you can tell, Taylor blogged.  It's always an interesting event when Taylor does almost anything.  This time, she somehow changed all my blogging settings to Chineese.  I couldn't even read how to change it back!  Obviously, I finally figured it out this morning.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Taylor Sas

This         Taylor     Kyile    and     Emmy     Jaragoske       are   Spadeing    The    night

Friday, April 9, 2010

Beautiful Spring Weather

It's way too nice to be inside on the computer today.  So no matter what I have to say, it'll have to wait until another day.  But I'll put some pictures up from yesterday after school.
Eric's adorable little sister was at the playground the same time we were. 
 I thought she and David might like to play together but he definitely has an "I don't care how cute you are, you're in my way to get to the slide" look in his eye!

Zeke looking spectacular with his taped glasses and his missing front tooth.

Riley playing some B-ball.

This is Taylor's friend Nolan and his little sister.  Apparently, Nolan and Taylor are going to get married when they grow up.  I'm totally fine with that 'cause Nolan's a great young man!  And it will take a great man to handle Taylor :)

David's going to be able to figure out how everything works...just like his Dad!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lunch With Some Pickards

I got asked out on a lunch date today by an awesome guy and it wasn't my husband!  Of course, he invited his wonderful wife, too!  Allen called and asked if we wanted to go to Pizza Hut for lunch.  Definitely!  So Anthony and I piled into Jen's vehicle with David and Kassy and we headed downtown. We met Allen, Bobby, Gail and Kerry.  Come to think of it, they were all Pickards but me!  But since David's practically family by now, and Al and I are practically siblings, and Jen and I are practically sisters, I guess I'm close enough :)
Allen's sister, Kerry, had just flown in from Russia and so a few of the clan met for lunch.  It was entertaining to visit for a while and hear some of Kerry's traveling stories.   She's just home for a month renewing her visa again, which has to be renewed every three months until she is granted permanent residency in Russia.   It was fun to watch her tell David, "Up" ,and he would bob up.  Then she'd say, "down", and he'd drop down, over and over again.  He thought it was the funniest thing!

Thanks for the lunch Al!!!

All You Need

All you need in life is a thumb and a blanky!

How to Entertain Boys

In the middle of our Thursday morning chat, a city worker knocked on the door and asked us to move some of our vehicles so he could remove the tree stumps on our boulevard.  Steve and I had asked the city last year if we could cut down the trees and they not only said yes, they said the city would cut them down for us.  And they did.  So we've been mowing around the stumps since then.  I was really impressed that they dug out the stumps because we thought we'd have to do it ourselves.  As you can see, the boys really enjoyed watching the machinery at work.  Even little David stood the whole time and watched.


Isn't she adorable?!!!!
And the little guy holding her is pretty special too!

She's already 4 months old, rolling over and talking like crazy.  Of course, we don't know what she's saying yet, but that's not stopping her at all!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Camelot Playground

Yesterday I opted to not make supper.  It was a busy day and I was tired.  So even though I had all the supper stuff almost ready to go, we splurged and headed to Pizza Hut.  On Tuesday, for every adult buffet you purchase, you get a kid's buffet free.

After supper, we dropped off some clothes at a friend's house.  They happen to live really close to the newest school in town so the kids pleaded and begged to go to the Camelot Playground.  I thought it was too cold but gave in and decided to let them play for a half hour.  They all had a great time!

"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."   
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Zeke - Two Stories About Glasses and the Tooth Fairy (but not the Tooth Fairy wearing glasses)

Zeke broke his glasses in Sunday school so I ordered new frames on Monday. Thankfully, the frames were still under warranty but unfortunately they won't be in for at least a week. So the electrical tape and I teamed up.  Hopefully, his broken pair will get him through the week. If he goes even a few hours without wearing glasses, his eyes get really weak and it looks like he's going cross-eyed.  His eyes look pretty good in this picture. 

Zeke lost a tooth Monday evening.  It's not the first one he's lost but it is the first front tooth that's gone. 
He wanted to make sure to put his tooth under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy so we made sure to put it there before he crawled into bed that evening.  Then, being the great parent that I am, I promptly forgot all about it and went to bed.  Fortunately, God and my bladder woke me up around 2am and as I was stumbling down the hallway, I remembered the tooth.  Our other children haven't always been so lucky on the first night!  Anyway, I reached into my drawer in the dark for some money and crossed my fingers that it was a $1 bill and not a $10!  I snuck into Zeke's bedroom and slowly slid the tooth out from under the pillow and slid the dollar back under without waking him up. 
Early the next morning, I was in the office on the computer when Zeke woke up.  He came running in and excitedly told me he got a dollar from the Tooth Fairy. 
"You did?!", I responded, as I checked to make sure it really was only a dollar. It was definitely a dollar.
Then, as Zeke gave me a big hug, he said, "Yep!  Thanks Mom!"
I questioned him further, "I thought it was from the Tooth Fairy?"
"Mom!  You're the Tooth Fairy!  Thanks Mom!"
"You're welcome, Zeke."
Guess we don't have to worry about telling him the truth about the Tooth Fairy anymore!  :)


Riley & I finished our puzzle this weekend.

Skateboard Fun

On Saturday, our friends Matt and Stacie brought over skate ramps for the kids. 

Riley had on his helmet, knee pads and elbow pads before they even finished bolting it together.

Anthony helped Matt with the bolts while Zeke supervised.

Riley's trying out the smaller jumps while he's waiting for the guys to finish the bigger ones.

He's finally ready to try the big ones!

Before he tried this standing up, he started by riding the skateboard while he was sitting on it.  It only took him a few rides before he tried standing on it, and by now he's able to go down one ramp and up the other.

Before anyone panics and wonders why any sane parent would let their child do this, know that he's only allowed to ride with a helmet, knee & elbow pads and wrist guards.  I also feel that Riley thrives on excitement and adrenaline, so I'd much rather give him "safe" opportunities to express this.  Otherwise, he'd find his own opportunities and they probably wouldn't be so safe.  And he's actually pretty good at this stuff!
Thanks Matt & Stacie!!!

Taylor Says

This     is      Taylor.
I           hate  School    But        I       Like     Aubrey      I     Love      Kylie.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Beth Says

From Beth Moore in the Patriarchs:

"God can cause His children to prosper in the midst of terrible circumstances far from their Canaans.  How?  Obedience is the key.  The Israelites were blessed in Egypt because God sent them there for a season to fulfill His good purposes.  The land became their temporary shelter, making Egypt to Jacob what the ark was to Noah.  Once God's purposes were accomplished, He provoked circumstances to move them."

From Tricia Wilkins in her Office:

"Sometimes we worry too much about God's plan and time frame in moving us on to our Canaan or promised land.  And I don't mean heaven.  Here on earth.  We don't want to be satisfied with where God has placed us because it's not what we think we want.  But God sees a much bigger picture than we do.  It's not about our comfort or convenience.  It's about developing our character to be Christlike and helping God fulfill his purpose.  
God's purpose will be fulfilled with or without us, but doesn't it make more sense to be a part of the big picture in a good way? 
What would have happened if Jacob's son Joseph, instead of being a man of integrity and honor and becoming Pharoh's most trusted advisor,  just sat down and had a pity party for himself at any point in his journey?  Tossed down the well by his brothers.  Sold into slavery.  Accused of adultery.  Forgotten in prison.  At any point, he could have chosen to forsake God and forge his own path because God's way wasn't taking him the way he wanted to go.  But he perservered and was able to provide for his family and help them prosper, which was God's ultimate plan. 
God, please help me not to try to interfere in your plan but to help you accomplish it how You will."
Sorry!  Too many kids playing at our house to blog.  It's much more fun to watch them play.  Although my house is pretty much trashed now.  Hopefully I'll have some insights or funny sayings tomorrow :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

There's a New Torres!!!!

Congrats to my uncle Toby and his wife Jen on the new addition to their family!!!!

Emma Luella Torres was born at 1:08pm today!

An especially cool name 'cause our grandma's name was Luella.

Anthony Says

As Anthony and Zeke are playing cop and robbers, Anthony informs Zeke, "You get one ticket for speeding and 1 ticket for crossing the street without a lifeguard!"

Breakfast Conversation Yesterday

Taylor:  "Does anyone know what today is?"

Zeke:  "It's Friday!"

Taylor:  "Yeah but it's a special Friday."

Riley:  "It's Good Friday."

Anthony:  "Yeah!  I love Good Friday."

Riley:  "Anthony, do you even know what Good Friday is?"

Anthony:  "Yes!  ......Taylor, what's Good Friday?"

Taylor:  "It's a special Friday."

Riley:  "If today is Good Friday, when is bad Friday?"

Taylor:  "I guess all the other Fridays are bad Fridays."

Friday, April 2, 2010

And today we've had lots of neighbor kids over to play.