Thursday, April 12, 2012

Birth Certificate

In South Dakota, if you want a copy of your birth certificate,
all you have to do is fill out this form and send in $15.
Unless you've been adopted.
Then you have no access to your original birth certificate.
If you want it, you first have to call the State Dept of Health and ask for vital records in Pierre, give them information and then wait to see if they are willing to sign a release of information.
If they decide they'll allow you a release of information, you'll receive a signed form like this one:

They'll also include a cover letter with instructions about what else you have to do.
It will look something like this:

Then you have to sign a release for confidential information
and have it notarized by a Notary Public or Clerk of Courts.
That form looks like this:

Once you've done all that, you actually have to
petition the court of the original adoption to open the confidential records.
That form looks like this:

If you find your way through all that maze of paperwork, complete it and petition the court, it is then ultimately up to the judge to decide if you can have the information and how much information to give you. He has total control over the file and can decide to give you no access at all.
If you complete all the paperwork and the judge is willing to sign the court order for a release of confidential adoption records, then you can finally fill out the application for a birth certificate and send that and all the other paperwork along with $15 to Pierre.
They will then send you a copy of your original birth certificate.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I figured out how to add more people so if you're still interested, comment, text or email me your current email address and I'll get you added :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I'm going into lock-down mode: on the blog, FB and in real life. I'm not sure how long it will last. There won't be anymore posts on this blog, at least for a while. I have, however, created a new blog which is open by invitation only. I just have to enter an email address for anyone who wants to read about our lives. I can also be much more open again on that blog if I chose to because I have control over who sees the information. If you've expressed interest in the past and sent me an email, I'll probably give you access. (Up to the first 100 people because that's how many emails it take) Just give me a few days to get it done. I'll send an email giving you the link to the new site. If you don't get an email and want access, just send me a text or an email with your information.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thinking of my younger brother today who is having surgery in Florida. I don't get to see him very often because he lives so far away but he's always close to my heart.  :)


Monday, January 30, 2012

Only Bullet Points

Everything I want to write about today, I can't. Here's the bullet points......
  • My brother-in-law Dan's sister died yesterday.
  • Court for the little one is on Wednesday.
  • I'm extremely disappointed about something important to me.
  • Brittney's been obnoxious and throwing teenage tantrums for about three days.
  • I found out some current disturbing information about the boys' birthmom.
It feels like too much this week.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


This is just for the relatives that were interested:

Riley's grades were awesome! All A's & B's
Math - B
Reading - B
Spelling - B
Language - A
Science/Health - A
Social Studies - A
Art - S+
Music - S
PE - S+
Technology - S

Emotional Day

I had a complete meltdown yesterday. Crying and everything. Thankfully, it was near the end of the day and not at the begining. I think it was a combination of personal issues I'm dealing with, combined with listening to case after case of children who need their parents to step up to the plate and be parents. Uggggggg. I was angry and my heart was heavy at the end of the day anyway and then Dawn reminded me that it was her last meeting with us. I think it was the final straw to my day. I don't do well with change and I certainly don't do well with losing someone. So I went home and had a meltdown. Later, I saw my mother-in-law and she asked me where Dawn was moving and I had to tell her she wasn't even going out of town. She just accepted a new position and I won't be working as closely with her anymore. Good grief. Thankfully, I texted a friend who knew exactly what my real issue was about. She picked me up and listened to me vent for an hour or so, offered a sympathetic ear and good advice. Then I was able to go back home, accept a big hug from my husband and parent my children.  Now this morning I can function normally again.