Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ups & Downs

Life is full of ups and downs. Apparently it's time for some downs in our family. I'm not ready to post because I don't have it all sorted out in my head yet. I used to use the blog as a way to sort out my feelings but I obviously don't do that anymore. So just know that our family could really use some extra prayer right now.
On a good note, the kids loved the circus yesterday (except for the baby, who only loved the first 15 minutes), I get to work with some wonderful prospective foster families today for training, and Grandma Lori is coming today!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Quick update from today:

The younger kids had Spring Fling at school. They each got to choose two activities. Riley went rock climbing and then made soil you can eat. Taylor did dance and cheer. Zeke toured Pizza Ranch and learned how to make icecream. Anthony did horsin' around with real horses and went to soil you can eat.
I met Steve, his mom, and the baby for lunch at the Chineese buffet :)
The baby had early childhood and physical therapy.
Zeke had Special Olympic track & field practice.
Taylor had Hip Hop Dance class.
Riley had his first practice of the season for Little League Baseball.
Brittney had a track meet in Huron.  I didn't get to go but she called and said that she placed 1st in her heat in the 100m, 1st in her heat in the 200m, and she placed 4th overall in pole vault. I think she said she jumped 6'3", but don't quote me.
Tomorrow we're off to the circus in Sioux Falls! Sophia's awesome daycare lady (and a sweet friend) gave me 8 free tickets. So I'm taking the kids out of school for the afternoon and we're going to have some fun!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Well Happy Birthday!

Comment from my oldest daughter at 8:30 tonight:
"It's your birthday? Well happy birthday! Can you give dad some money to take me to Walmart?"


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

"He is risen!"

"He is risen indeed!"

Sometimes I get so busy with everyday things that I don't leave time for the really important things. Don't get me wrong, our family still goes to church, prays, reads our bible, and tries to help others. But is actual deep spiritual growth happening during those period in my life? Probably not.

The Easter season is a good time for a reminder to myself that life isn't about me or even my family. It's not about what I can accomplish or what makes me happy. It's about God wanting us enough to create us, and then when we decided we knew better than God, He still loved us enough to give us his only Son so that we might live, and live abundantly!  

How awesome is that!
Last night, Brittney divided all the candy and put it in the baskets. We even  got a chocolate bunny for the baby. I can't wait to clean her up after that! There are new Easter outfits for the kids for church this morning. Special thanks to Grandma Connie & Grandpa Larry for the girls' dresses this year. I can't wait to post a picture of Riley! He wanted a suit so badly and JCPenny's had a really good sale so I took him down and let him try one on. He loved it!  I splurged with my headstart money and bought it for him. He's so proud. He refers to it as his "tuxedo".
Our church is having a free breakfast this morning at 8am and then after church we're relaxing a bit. Then we'll have our Easter dinner at our house this evening with our family, Steve's mom & brother, and Grandma Connie & Grandpa Larry.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

It really is a Good Friday. Kids feeling better, sausage/egg bake made for breakfast, and a whole day stretching in front of me. Love it!

Sick :(

The kids have a 5 day spring break from school, I had 5 kids sick yesterday/today, and Zeke broke his glasses again. On a good note, Steve and I both have the day off today so at least there's two sets of hands around. So far, he and I are both healthy! Since it's only 1:57am, I think I'll go back to bed :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Jody!!!

Today is my big brother's birthday!!! And he's coming to see us tomorrow!

Snow, snow
go away.
And let my brother
come to stay!
That's the best I can do before coffee.

More snow this morning. Please come back spring. I really miss you!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Zeke swimming at Special Olympics practice tonight.
INSTALLING SPRING...███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 44% DONE. Install delayed....please wait. Installation failed. Please try again. 404 error: Season not found. Season "Spring" cannot be located. The season you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try again.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Middle Age Texting Codes

With all the texting codes going back and forth with the younger generation, the older ones felt the need to have their own codes too :) Thanks Cindy!

ATD -at the doctors
BFF -best friend fell
BTW -bring the wheelchair
BYOT -bring your own teeth
FWIW -forgot where I was
GGPBL -gotta go, pacemaker battery low
GHA -got heartburn again
IMHO -is my hearing aid on?
LMDO -laughing my dentures out
OMMR -on my massage recliner
ROFLACGU -rolling on floor laughing and can't get up
TTYL -talk to you louder


I love reading these Auto-correct messages! Here's one of my favorites.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Zeke's Hearing Exam

This is a brief overview of the results of Zeke's latest hearing test:

Testing & Results:
    Right Ear: Normal hearing acuity with excellent speech recognition
    Left Ear: A profound sensorineural hearing loss
    Clear ear canals
    Tympanic membranes look good
    Zeke be place within an amplified classroom at school and his IEP state he continually be placed within an amplified classroom throughout the rest of his elementary school education. (I might have to fight a bit for this one :)
    Zeke should have his hearing evaluated annually before school begins. (What's one more Dr visit :)
    When Zeke is in his teen years, we should consult with a doctor in Sioux Falls for a possible bone anchored hearing aid. (A regular hearing aid wouldn't help because there is no sound to amplify)
This doctor's finding are consistant with most of the evaluations we've had done. We had a few (2) doctors that documented the wrong ear for the hearing loss so that has taken us a while to get straightened out. Also, Zeke had lots of ear infections before he came to us and a few after, so it was hard to get a reliable test completed. Combine all that with the fact that Zeke is very easily distracted and hard to test cognitively. I'm glad that we finally have something concrete to get onto his IEP.
I would highly recommend audiologist Dr Todd Decker w/ Professional Hearing Services in Watertown, SD. We've had a lot of hearing testing done by a lot of different professionals over the past 4 years. The Brookings doctor was the worst, there were a lot that were ok, but Dr Decker was amazing with Zeke and gave us results that we could understand and move forward with.


Yesterday I needed to have the baby in Sioux Falls by 8:30am. That makes for a complicated morning with 5 other kids. Fortunately, my husband had come home the night before so I left Riley, Taylor, Zeke and Anthony with him. Riley walked to school so that only left 3 kids for him to deal with.

I picked up the baby's mom, dropped Brittney off at school and headed to Sioux Falls. I had been a bit concerned about the weather but it just rained the whole way down. The scan and helmet check went well and, at least until the next checkup, we aren't dealing with the helmet anymore. Hopefully, the next appointment will go well also and we can be done for good!

When I got back into Brookings, Steve's mom called to see if we wanted to have lunch with her. After lunch, she offered to take the baby so I could get some rest or work on my grant proposal. I was only home for half an hour before I received a call from the school. You have no idea how much I wanted to not answer that call!

It was the school nurse calling to inform me that Anthony had been standing on a chair (which he knows not to do) and then fell off and hit his face/nose (can we say natural consequences). It was bleeding really badly and they were checking him for a concussion. Could I please come in?

So I went it to the school. The rest of the staff felt pretty sorry for him but I didn't. He knows better but has been allowed to get away with lots of negative behavior at school. I've tried to encourage them to give him firm boundaries and enforce them but it hasn't really gone that way so far. And now he got hurt. I have to admit, I didn't feel very sorry for him. And I bet it'll be a longggggg time before he stands on a chair again!

He didn't want to go home but I took him anyway. I tried to get a hold of Steve to pick up the other two kids (Riley was going to the Club) but he wasn't done with his testing. So I took Anthony home for an hour and then piled him back into the van to get the other kids.

I kept getting more and more crabby as the day went on. I finally turned my phone ringer off, left the family on their own and went into my bedroom to read a book. It appears that they survived without me.

I don't know if you can really tell from this picture, but Anthony's nose is really swelled up and he has a scratch running down the side of it and a scrape under his chin. Other than his war wounds, he seems fine today.

Random Pictures from the Past Week

Anthony & Brittney

 Riley & Brittney
Anthony wearing a tie
Taylor all dressed up for her concert
My nephew Coby's 2nd Birthday.
 Coby enjoying his cake
Who get's to clean him up?
Brittney in Heather's hat & boots.
Coby riding his new trike
Darn snow we woke up to again this morning.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." ~Phyllis Diller


Home visit/inspection to re-license for foster/adoption through the state. Happens every year around this time. I have to make sure that everything is still "safe". Even our water temperature has to measure between certain temperatures. We have to list any changes in our family, home and life. The whole process ususally takes an hour and a half.
Steve came home last night but will be headed out this morning at 7:30am, I think to Tyndle, SD. Sounds like he'll be home on Friday evening. But it also sounds like we're going to get more rain and then snow, so we'll see if he can actually make it back home.


“Long-term, gospel-motivated obedience can only come from the grace of what Jesus has already done, not the guilt of what we must do.” -Tullian Tchividjian

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Quick Version Again

Lots going on but too little time to post again so here's the quick version:

*I love the new audiologist we found for Zeke in Watertown. Updated tests on Monday show that Zeke now has near normal hearing in his right ear but is completely deaf in his left ear. Consistant with what I've learned from previous testing. More later on what that all means for Zeke.

*Taylor starts a Hip Hop dance class on Thursday.

*Brittney is in track after school and has now also started a cheerleading class. They are competition level so she's what's called a "flyer". Basically means she gets thrown up in the air a lot. The coaches love her because she has the skill of a gymnist and is small and petite. My only requirement from her was that she not turn into one of those "foo foo" cheerleaders :) I love the owner of the facility that Brit trains at so I don't think I have to worry about the "foo foo"stuff. And yes, Brittney will still do gymnastics when that season starts up again.

*Riley is signed up for Little League baseball . Not sure of all the specifics so I will try to post when I know more.

*Zeke starts track on Thursday.

*Steve's headed back out of town today. Lots of changes going on with the company he works. He'll be around Brookings more in the future, just not sure when that will be.

*I'm trying to keep all the kids schedules straight. I also need to finish up on a major grant proposal I'm working on for Camp Adventure. We received the amount requested on the last two so I'm expecting this one might go well also, if I can just find some time to get it completed.

*We've had the baby for almost 9 months now. Because she's foster, I can't post about her other than to say that parent rights have not been terminated, nor has anyone requested that they be terminated yet. So we're still juggling visits, physical therapy, early childhood classes, early headstart and lots of paperwork.

*My headstart class will have their last day on May 11 and then I'll hopefully be able to blog a little better again. They've already put in a request with the powers that be to try to get me hired on for next year. We'll see what happens.

*My big brother's coming! On his birthday! I think I'm going to throw him a party! We haven't been able to hang out for quite a while so I can't wait to see him.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Incriminating Evidence

The other day I found Brittney's camera in the laundry room, hidden behind a laundry basket.
Taylor claimed that she hadn't taken it.
When Brittney looked closer, she found lots of pictures of Taylor and this video.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Little Burglar in the family…

HHHmmm i think the pictures will be posted on my facebook but i will tag my mother in them so you can see them i dont know when they will be posted tho

Love Brittney Wilkins

Little Burglar in the family…

You might be wondering what some stupid things Burglars have done but the stupidest is... 1 video and pictures left at the crime scene...

Her mug shot and her video will be put up in a later date because we are having some issues

P.S. TAYLOR never agian i repeat NEVER AGIAN steal my camera and leave the evidence.... Because this is what happens........

Love Brittney Wilkins

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Tried Not To Cry

Those of you who know me well know that I don't cry often. I don't like to cry. I think it makes me feel powerless. But every once in a great while, it happens anyway.

On Thursday evening, the tears welled up for a GOOD reason.

It's been a long month. If you read the past blog entries, you can see that it's been a challenging month. Steve's been gone most of the time, the kids have been sick, lots of behavior issues, a new job, and just generally trying to juggle everything. I've felt like I've been juggling a million balls in the air and a few were about to come tumbling down on my head! In addition to all that, parenting is hard work. And for kids with additional issues like my kids, it requires even more time and attention than "normal". Sometimes I wonder if I'm having any impact on the world at all.

Then comes a time like Thursday evening.

To know Zeke's issues when he he arrived at our house a few years ago - couldn't walk, wasn't potty trained, had a very small vocabulary, needed constant supervision, etc - and then to see him at his school concert. It was priceless. He walked in with his class, stood throughout the entire 45 minute concert, and sang his heart out! It made it all worthwhile :)

Zeke and his teacher, Mrs Neiles
2nd Grade Concert
Zeke is the cute guy in the white shirt and tie on the far left.
Taylor is in the middle with the white sweater and white flower in her hair.
Zeke walking into school with a friend

Friday, April 8, 2011


Very ticked that our military person men & women might not get paid! Especially since my sister-in-law just came home from serving our country overseas, months spent apart from her kids and husband, and now the government is now about to leave them without a paycheck until congress gets the money issue sorted out :( 
I hope congress has to be without a paycheck for the same period of time!

Update on the Update

Update on Ellie Shipley! She is off the last of the six machines she had during post-op. She is now just getting meds through her IV's. Thanks for praying for her and her family!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


CORRECTION: Tonight's concert is at Camelot, not Medary. That's what I get for typing too quickly!

Ellie Update

Just got word that Ellie's heart surgery is complete and she is getting settled into her room. Everything went well and, in their words, was a "textbook case". Her parents get to see her soon! :)

Ellie's Surgery

Praying for Ellie
My cousin's daughter, 19 mo old Ellie, will be having open heart surgery today starting at 7 am and lasting 4 to 5 hours.
They will be repairing a 11.7mm hole in her heart.
Please pray for skill and wisdom for the surgeons and also peace for Ellie's family.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I just purchased a dress & shoes for Taylor and dress pants for Zeke for their concert tomorrow night. I took all 6 kids shopping at JCPennys. It went ok but I don't recomend it.

Concert tomorrow: Thursday April 7th @ 7pm @ Camelot.

Pictures tomorrow.

Zeke's Spring Special Olympics Schedule

Zeke is participating in Soccer, Swimming, and track & field this spring with Special Olympics.:

He'll be a busy guy since he'll have some sort of practice every Monday, Wed, Thurs and Friday and then he has physical therapy on Tuesdays!

Friday May 6th - SE Regional Swimming in Sioux Falls

Saturday May 7th - SE Regional Track/Field in Brandon

May 19, 20 & 21 - State Summer Games in Sioux Falls
(I won't know exact times until later)

Brittney's Track Schedule

Here you go Steve :) 
-or grandparents or anyone else who wants to know or come watch!

Brittney will be running the 100, the 200, and pole vaulting.
April 18th @ 4:00pm in Brandon Valley

April 21st @ 4:00pm in Brookings

April 28th @ 3:45pm in Huron

May 2nd @ 4:00pm in Watertown

May 5th @ 4:00pm in Milbank

May 9th @ 4:00pm in Brookings

May 20th @ 3:30 in Mitchell (Big 4 Track Meet)


Day two of the kids being able to play outside in the backyard = One happy mom :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tough Week - and it's only Tuesday!

Yesterday stunk! Anthony is having behavior issues at school. He's been having them all year but they've been getting progressively worse. The teacher and I have very different view about how to handle him.  But, darn it, I can't be with him 24/7 and I can't convince them that it will work better my way.

Riley had a lot of the same issues but we were able to work with his various teachers in kindergarten and first grade and use what worked with him. Even though he still has issues, I can honestly say that he improves every year and most of what we see now is pretty typical of a 3rd grade boy.

Unfortunately, Anthony's behavior is continually getting worse at school. At this point, I'm just trying hold on until summer.

If he wasn't my kid, I'd probably be laughing at some of his behavior. But he is my kid, so I'm not laughing. Here's just a bit:  taking his shirt off and twirling it around his head in class, getting mad and throwing a chair, not participating in circle time and just wandering around the classroom, playing in the toy area while the other kids are doing their schoolwork, laying down in the classroom doorway and not getting up, not going to gym/music because he doesn't want to, etc.

I picked up the baby early yesterday because she was running a fever and not feeling good, although she giggled when I picked her up.

Then there's Taylor. She has started yelling the F bomb at her siblings in the last few days.

And to top it off for the week, I took Zeke back to the doctor this morning and he still has a staph infection. On a good note, when I took him out for lunch after the appointment and he wanted two hot dogs, he was excited to learn that there is such a thing as a "footlong". It completely made his day.
So if anyone remembers the comercial, "Calgon - take me away!", that's my battle cry for the rest of the week. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bits & Pieces

I still can't figure out how to get the videos off my phone and on to the computer. Pictures transfer easily but I guess you have to be more tech savy then I am to do videos :)
The baby had to get 4 shots yesterday at her well-baby check and Zeke got his braces adjusted and fixed so there's not so much pressure on his ankle anymore. The doctor said the redness will go away in a few days but the swelling will probably take a month. The good news is that, even though it looked awful, it didn't bother Zeke at all!
Steve made it home yesterday and was able to go to Zeke's doctor's appointment with me yesterday and then do lots of the driving for kids activities yesterday afternoon.
Taylor had a birthday party after school. Then later she was invited to a movie for the evening. She and my niece Aubrey went with Joan & Andy to the movie Hops. Taylor loves hanging out with them! It's so awesome for the kids to be able to hang out one-on-one with other people and be able to do some of the things that we aren't able to do with all 6 kids at once. What great friends we have :)
Brittney received the information on an 8th grade trip to Washington DC for summer 2012. It's optional and only the first 110 kids signed up will get to go. She's really excited about it. To be honest, I'm kind of excited about it, too! DC is one of the places I've always wanted to see but haven't been able to yet. And I wasn't able to go on the trip when I was in 8th grade so I'd really like Brittney to have the experience. The down payment is $99, which I'll send off on Monday. The total cost is under $2000, which is pretty reasonable, considering everything is included. I'll sit down this week and budget it in so that we can save it for the trip. I think the school also does a little bit of fundraising and Brittney was already brainstorming ways to earn some money. Should be exciting!
Today I'm off to co-train for PRIDE again. After a week of Steve being gone, I'm leaving him alone with the 6 kids so say a few extra prayers for him today :)