Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bits & Pieces

I still can't figure out how to get the videos off my phone and on to the computer. Pictures transfer easily but I guess you have to be more tech savy then I am to do videos :)
The baby had to get 4 shots yesterday at her well-baby check and Zeke got his braces adjusted and fixed so there's not so much pressure on his ankle anymore. The doctor said the redness will go away in a few days but the swelling will probably take a month. The good news is that, even though it looked awful, it didn't bother Zeke at all!
Steve made it home yesterday and was able to go to Zeke's doctor's appointment with me yesterday and then do lots of the driving for kids activities yesterday afternoon.
Taylor had a birthday party after school. Then later she was invited to a movie for the evening. She and my niece Aubrey went with Joan & Andy to the movie Hops. Taylor loves hanging out with them! It's so awesome for the kids to be able to hang out one-on-one with other people and be able to do some of the things that we aren't able to do with all 6 kids at once. What great friends we have :)
Brittney received the information on an 8th grade trip to Washington DC for summer 2012. It's optional and only the first 110 kids signed up will get to go. She's really excited about it. To be honest, I'm kind of excited about it, too! DC is one of the places I've always wanted to see but haven't been able to yet. And I wasn't able to go on the trip when I was in 8th grade so I'd really like Brittney to have the experience. The down payment is $99, which I'll send off on Monday. The total cost is under $2000, which is pretty reasonable, considering everything is included. I'll sit down this week and budget it in so that we can save it for the trip. I think the school also does a little bit of fundraising and Brittney was already brainstorming ways to earn some money. Should be exciting!
Today I'm off to co-train for PRIDE again. After a week of Steve being gone, I'm leaving him alone with the 6 kids so say a few extra prayers for him today :)

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