Saturday, April 16, 2011


Yesterday I needed to have the baby in Sioux Falls by 8:30am. That makes for a complicated morning with 5 other kids. Fortunately, my husband had come home the night before so I left Riley, Taylor, Zeke and Anthony with him. Riley walked to school so that only left 3 kids for him to deal with.

I picked up the baby's mom, dropped Brittney off at school and headed to Sioux Falls. I had been a bit concerned about the weather but it just rained the whole way down. The scan and helmet check went well and, at least until the next checkup, we aren't dealing with the helmet anymore. Hopefully, the next appointment will go well also and we can be done for good!

When I got back into Brookings, Steve's mom called to see if we wanted to have lunch with her. After lunch, she offered to take the baby so I could get some rest or work on my grant proposal. I was only home for half an hour before I received a call from the school. You have no idea how much I wanted to not answer that call!

It was the school nurse calling to inform me that Anthony had been standing on a chair (which he knows not to do) and then fell off and hit his face/nose (can we say natural consequences). It was bleeding really badly and they were checking him for a concussion. Could I please come in?

So I went it to the school. The rest of the staff felt pretty sorry for him but I didn't. He knows better but has been allowed to get away with lots of negative behavior at school. I've tried to encourage them to give him firm boundaries and enforce them but it hasn't really gone that way so far. And now he got hurt. I have to admit, I didn't feel very sorry for him. And I bet it'll be a longggggg time before he stands on a chair again!

He didn't want to go home but I took him anyway. I tried to get a hold of Steve to pick up the other two kids (Riley was going to the Club) but he wasn't done with his testing. So I took Anthony home for an hour and then piled him back into the van to get the other kids.

I kept getting more and more crabby as the day went on. I finally turned my phone ringer off, left the family on their own and went into my bedroom to read a book. It appears that they survived without me.

I don't know if you can really tell from this picture, but Anthony's nose is really swelled up and he has a scratch running down the side of it and a scrape under his chin. Other than his war wounds, he seems fine today.

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