Monday, April 5, 2010

Beth Says

From Beth Moore in the Patriarchs:

"God can cause His children to prosper in the midst of terrible circumstances far from their Canaans.  How?  Obedience is the key.  The Israelites were blessed in Egypt because God sent them there for a season to fulfill His good purposes.  The land became their temporary shelter, making Egypt to Jacob what the ark was to Noah.  Once God's purposes were accomplished, He provoked circumstances to move them."

From Tricia Wilkins in her Office:

"Sometimes we worry too much about God's plan and time frame in moving us on to our Canaan or promised land.  And I don't mean heaven.  Here on earth.  We don't want to be satisfied with where God has placed us because it's not what we think we want.  But God sees a much bigger picture than we do.  It's not about our comfort or convenience.  It's about developing our character to be Christlike and helping God fulfill his purpose.  
God's purpose will be fulfilled with or without us, but doesn't it make more sense to be a part of the big picture in a good way? 
What would have happened if Jacob's son Joseph, instead of being a man of integrity and honor and becoming Pharoh's most trusted advisor,  just sat down and had a pity party for himself at any point in his journey?  Tossed down the well by his brothers.  Sold into slavery.  Accused of adultery.  Forgotten in prison.  At any point, he could have chosen to forsake God and forge his own path because God's way wasn't taking him the way he wanted to go.  But he perservered and was able to provide for his family and help them prosper, which was God's ultimate plan. 
God, please help me not to try to interfere in your plan but to help you accomplish it how You will."

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