Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bits and Pieces

Saturday in brief:

*Brit wasn't crabby (yet) after her gymnastics sleepover.

*Soccer was cold but sunny

*Taylor made a card and got a cute webkins to give to her friend, Haley, for her birthday party this afternoon.

*I helped cut fruit and make pork loin for 20's Diner tomorrow with my friend Rebecca, until she had to pick up her son and take him to the emergency room for 8+ stitches in his head.  I called Steve to help me finish cutting all the pork loin. By the time Rebecca came back, we were almost finished.

*Our family headed to the Boy Scout Spagetti Feed for supper.  $20 for a family ticket, which included spagetti, breadsticks, salad, drinks and tons of deserts.  That's a bargin for our family!  Plus, we got to visit with lots of people we don't see very often.  Thanks to my friend Maria for the great supper idea!!!

*As we were driving out of the parking lot of the Catholic church, I spotted a basket with four little puppies.  I stopped the van just as the lady was letting them out.  She let the kids, and Steve, hold and play with them for a while.  They were only 8 weeks old and simple adorable.  It was kind of a sad story as the woman had taken the mother dog everywhere with her. They were best friends.  This lady was with her dad because he was having cancer surgery.  As she was at his bedside, she received a call that her dog was going into labor.  The dad's surgery didn't go as well as expected and they just closed him back up and said that the cancer was too widespread to do anything. Then she finds out that her dog is having a difficult labor.  Once the puppies are born, the vet, trying to sew up the mother, nicked her bladder and she bled to death.  So now this poor lady is losing her father and has lost her dog.  Tears rolled down her face as she was telling me the story.  She said she's probably keeping two of the dogs and will eventually sell the other two, but I think it'll be difficult for her to part with them.  It would be be hard for me to part with them :)

*Baths are done and all but the oldest child are in bed for the night.  I think I'll read a good book.  I just finished The Name of the Rose.  It was a good read but only if you like to be intellectually and spiritually challenged.  There were a lot of very controversial thoughts in the book but definitely worth thinking about.   Kind of a really in depth DaVinci Code type book.
Happy End of Saturday!

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