Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tennessee Day Five - Out of the Hospital

Allen and Jen were at the hospital by 9am this morning. They were there when the birth mom was released but they had to wait for the social worker and the proper paperwork before they could take the baby. David and I were there for about an hour. It was one of the most frustrating hours of my life, not to mention Al and Jen's. The baby was kept in the nursery behind a pane of glass. Because the hospital could only release the baby to the adoption social worker and not to Allen or Jen, we could only watch the baby through the pane of glass. It was so hard to watch her cry and not be able to rush in and pick her up. The nurses didn't seem to care if she was comforted or not. She cried for quite a long time by herself in the nursery bed. And all we could do was watch her through the window. Then the nurse who was head of discharge let us know that if the social worker wasn't back with the paperwork before she got off shift, the baby would have to stay until tomorrow. Fortunately, Alicia made it back with the paperwork just as that nurse had her coat on to leave. We were so thankful that Alicia was allowed into the nursery because when the baby started crying the nurses didn't do anything but Alicia went over to the crib and picked her up. She stopped crying immediately. This is the Pickard family leaving the hospital. Because of the law, they couldn't take the baby out of the hospital. The social worker had to take her out of the hospital.
David actually got to see his sister when she wasn't behind glass!

1 comment:

  1. Allen, Jen & David
    We heard from Alicia today and excited to hear about your wonderful news. We are keeping up with your blog so we know kind of what to expect when we are there next month. Hope all is going well and your home with your new little girl soon.
    Matt and Kasey DeWaard
