Sunday, December 27, 2009

Snow & Christmas Eve

According to the weather man, we got over 12 inches of snow in the last few days. We we didn't get hit as hard as some cities in our state who got 18-22 inches. The interstate finally opened again yesterday after being closed for 48 hours but they still advised no travel. I was just excited that the kids could play outside for a while yesterday. The snow was deep enough that they could sled, snowboard and make snow forts in the backyard. I'm actually enjoying the time stuck at home. The kids have been playing with their Christmas gifts and as long as I split them up a bit they seem to be having fun too. * In spite of the weather, we did make it to the Christmas eve service. It's one of my favorite times of the year. And the kids all sit pretty still and pay attention because they know if they don't, I won't let them hold their candle at the end of the service. Then all the lights in the sancuary are turned off. The service concludes with a single candle, the Christ candle, which Pastor Rick uses to light the ushers' candles. They, in turn, light the candle of the first person in the congregation. As the candlelight spreads, it's a wonderful visable reminder of the love of Christ spreading throughout the world. It's also a reminder that one little "candle" can have a huge impact on the world around it. Once the candles are all lit, we sing "Silent Night". *

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