Sunday, December 20, 2009


I told Riley about his little brother yesterday. This morning I showed him a picture. I've always known that he needs to know but wasn't sure of the right time to tell him. Then I realized that I don't ever want him to think I kept information from him. So we talked about it. Yes, one of the reasons I hadn't told him yet was to protect him and wait until he was ready to process some hard questions, but really I was also protecting myself from having to answer those hard questions. So I prayed hard and jumped in. Riley and Zeke have the same biological father and Anthony has a different father. About a year after Anthony was born, and after parental rights had been terminated, their mom had another little boy with a different father. Our boys now have the difficult task of trying to figure out why their mom kept him and not them. Zeke and Anthony don't seem to care at all at this point. I don't think it will ever matter to Zeke. It might to Anthony as he gets older but he's had such a great begining with his foster parents and we keep him in touch with them. They seem to be who he is most concerned about besides us at this point in his life. Riley is now telling everyone he had 3 brothers, which is true. So we'll see where this new journey takes us.

1 comment:

  1. The boys are so lucky they have you as there mom. It must of been hard telling Riley about Matthew. One will probably never no the answer to your question. Only the birth mom knows, and I doubt shes will ever say. Ive asked her alot that very same question. Still I havent got a response. Ive been waiting years.Thanks for keeping Riley posted on his biological parents.
