Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I'm tired and the week has barely started. I think I'm still playing catch-up from staying up too late on Sunday night. But it was worth it! The movie was excellent. . Yesterday I definitely didn't accomplish all the loads of laundry I should have but I did get a lot done anyway. My motivation was gone. Now that I think about it, it's pretty hard to get motivated about laundry. I just like the satisfaction that comes when I finish it all. Of course, by the very next day, there's more, but for that one night a week, it's all done. . What I did accomplish yesterday is adult conversation. While Anthony played and the baby slept, Jen and I were able sit and talk. She brought the Papa Murphy's Pizza and I provided the oven. Good pizza and great company! Can life get any better? They leave this weekend to see their new baby and it looks like I may be going with them to Tennesee. . Right now the kids are eating breakfast and singing. Since the younger ones are close in age, they know the same songs from school. It's like my own mini choir. . Zeke lost his glasses on the St Paul trip so time after school was spent trying to find out if he can get a new pair. Our insurance will pay for a new pair only every 15 months and Medicaid doesn't pay at all for lost glasses anymore so we have to be really careful with glasses. That can be more of a challenge than you think with an active 7 year old. Fortunately, it's been over 15 months so this afternoon we have an appointment with the eye doctor and after the check-up we'll order another pair of glasses.

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