Thursday, December 31, 2009


We made it to Chicago safely. Wisconsin was really icy and we encountered lots of accidents and cars in the ditch. Now we're enjoying a few minutes with cousins before we head on to Pennsylvania. Pictures and more posts later.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Steves grandma. I hope you have a safe trip. I will call the boys when you are back. It will probably be next wkend. I will let you know the day and time before I call. Again sorry for your loss. My sister in law(use to be)was diagnosed with lung cancer the wk before christmas. First they gave her 3 to 6 mo to live.She had to have surgery on fluid around her heart. Thats when the docs realized her cancer was further along than they thought. On Christmas Eve they told her she only has 2-4 wks to live. She is only 51yrs old. Its a hard time for everyone here too. Thanks for the pics of the family. Have a safe trip and a Happy New Year if possible. Dee Wilson
