Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mowing and a Date

As soon as Steve got home from work last night, the kids helped pack sack lunches and we headed to the church. We let them play on the playground and eat their picnic lunch while Steve and I mowed the church lawn. I just realized that I've been doing the lawn care there for 16 years! The main part around the church takes us about 2 hours if we're both working on it and then another 2 hours to do the rest. Yesterday after we mowed together for a couple of hours, Steve took the kids home, dished them up some ice cream and got them ready for bed while I finished the last 2 hours of mowing. . When I got home, we splurged and ordered Papa Johns Pizza and watched "Mall Cop". It was a fun relaxing evening together.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for doing the upkeep on the church lawn. We appreciate your hard work.
