Saturday, July 31, 2010


By 7am this morning, Steve had departed for Redfield.  He's going to help his mom finish the scraping and priming on her house.  Then all that'll be left will be painting and hopefully she can get it on the market.  Riley wanted to go and help the guys work, Tayor wanted to go spend time with Grandma Sandy and I gave Steve the choice of taking either Anthony or Zeke.  He took Anthony.  Both boys together -Zeke & Anthony- can be a handful and I've got a lot to get done this weekend before VBS.

Brittney went 4-wheeling today with a friend so I've just got Zeke and baby Sophia.  She's napping right now so I let Zeke watch SpongeBob and I finished up a few things for VBS.  And took a few minutes to blog.

Vacation Bible School starts on Sunday evening and I'm in charge of the preschool portion.  We've got all the major pieces in place and even the minor pieces.  Now it's just the finalization of things that couldn't be done until the last minute.  I'm so ready to get the kids and let them have a blast at VBS!

Ok. Babys awake and on my lap so it's a bit harder to type.  We'll see how it goes!

Here are some questions people have been asking about the baby and my answers:

What is her name?
Her name is Sophia but I'm not sharing her last name.

How old is she?
She's 7 months old.

How long will you have her?
As with any foster child, we don't know for sure.  She could be gone in 10 minutes or she could be here for years.  We'll keep her as long as she needs us and DSS (Dept of Social Services) needs a place for her.  I do think because of her situation, we'll have her at least a month though.

Why do you have her?  What's her situation?  Where did she come from?
I can't share any of her history.   When we sign on to become foster parents, we become part of the system of confidentiality for the children and parents we serve.  It's their story to tell and their choice to tell it or not.  I can tell you that we are working with her to help her sit up on her own and helping her to learn to eat baby food.  She'll also have a "helmet" sometime in the near future to help shape the back of her head correctly.

Is she sleeping at night?
Yep.  I make sure to feed her really well right before bedtime and she sleeps 10pm to 7-8am.  I can definitely live with that.  A couple of quick half hour naps during the day and she sleeps all night. 

Do you need anything?
We've had wonderful friends and relatives who have brought over quite a bit of baby stuff.  I think we have everything we need for now.  One thing I am still looking for is a little girls swimming suit (size 9 months) in case we go to the pool

G2G (For those of you non-texters, that means Got to Go)
Laundry is calling my name!

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