Saturday, July 3, 2010

Isn't Parenting Fun?

When Steve and I mow at the church every week, we usually let the kids play on the playground.  Today Brittney was on the computer and Taylor was shopping with Grandma Sandy, so I took just the three boys.  Steve came a hour later and was using the push mower when Riley and Anthony came running up to him.  They told him that Zeke had broken a window.  Turns out that all three boys had been throwing rocks (which we've repeated told them not too) and Zeke hit a downstairs church window.  Since they were all involved, they all three got in trouble.

*They weren't able to play on the playground while they waited for us to finish the mowing.
*They'll have to apologize to someone in charge at the church.
*They'll need to ask how much a window costs and work at the church the equivalent number of hours in order to pay for the window.

Isn't parenting fun?

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