Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Yesterday was really hard on me. Anthony had tears in his eyes everytime we talked about how long I would be gone. Riley just got mad. Brittney was too sick to care. Did I mention that the flu has been going through our house? First Tay, then two days later I woke up to find that someone had thrown up all over the bathroom. When I tried to figure out which kid it was, they were all peacefully sleeping. When Riley woke up, he told me it was him. That was on Saturday morning. He was fine by Monday but then Brittney started throwing up. Anyway, I digress. I haven't had any coffe yet this morning so my mind is still sluggish!
The hardest two kids by far were the little one and Taylor. I dropped the little one off at daycare and she happily went to Christina and then proceeded to tell all her little friends, "Hi!" She went around the room to each of them to give them a personal greeting. I asked her for a hug and she came back, gave me a hug and went to sit in her little chair for snack. I really struggled with leaving her. She has no concept of time and even though she didn't seem to care right then, I knew she would miss me as the days went on. I knew I would miss her. I had totally irrational thoughts of taking her with me. I got another hug from Christina and left before my emotions got the best of me.
I went in to work at headstart but only stayed until 11am. Then I finished up prep for the trip and was at the school for Zeke by 1pm. He was so happy! He's been telling everyone who would listen that he gets to go see his doctor. When I went to tell Taylor good bye, my heart nearly broke. We started off with a hug and gentle reminders that I'd be back next week but soon her tears started. Eventually she was clinging to me and sobbing, telling me she wanted to go with me and begging me not to go. I stayed with her for a while and then eventually her teacher and I had to pry her off of me. Thank goodness for wonderful and understanding teachers! I couldn't do it without them. Anyone who knows me well knows that it takes a lot to make me cry. And Taylor almost had me in tears. So my prayer today is that God uses people to comfort and support my other kids.
Today Zeke and I will have breakfast at the hotel and then check in at the hospital by 7:30am. Today is the gait analysis. It'll take most of the morning. Nothing painful for Zeke today :)

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted everyone to know what a wonderful wife I have, and how much she does that nobody will ever know. I love you and hope to see you Friday if everything goes well.
