Friday, October 1, 2010

It's Friday!

Last night (Thurs), I spent the night with Zeke while Steve took the baby back to the hotel. The night went well, although Zeke did have some pain/spasms for a half hour or so around 7pm. He was scheduled to have more medication around 7:30pm but by the time he could have it the pain seems to be gone. I really believe the epidural helps enormously. I slept as well as expected on the chair/bed with nurses coming in every so often to ask questions of Zeke and make sure he could move his toes and feel them.

Zeke's been watching a lot of SpongeBob but is now enjoying Diego. I've got some more pictures but won't be able to post them until I have access to my own computer again. It's at the hotel but I may ask Steve to bring it with him when he comes over later today.

Zeke is trying to wait patiently for his visitors today. Grandma Connie and Grandma Sandy are bringing the other kids to visit for the weekend. It'll be a bit of chaos but fun too. They're leaving Brookings sometime after school so they won't be here until tonight.

The highlight of Zeke's day yesterday was flowers and balloons from Grandpa Mike and Grandma Glenda. I had to convince him to leave the flower vase on the table instead with him in his bed!

1 comment:

  1. I am always amazed at what a trooper he is in all he has been through! Hope you and Steve are able to get some rest before the whole family descends on you. With two grandmas, five kids and a hotel pool, I'm sure life will be wet, wild and wonderful this weekend! :o)
