Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yesterday's Schedule

Wednesday Sept 29th

6:13am - Arrive at hospital
6:15am - Wait in line to check in for surgery
6:45am to 8:00am - Finally checked in waiting in Pre-Op. Talking to various doctors and nurses about procedures.
8:00am - Zeke and I are taken into the operating room so he can be sedated. He goes to sleep really fast and was talking and giggling with us right up until he fell asleep.
8:45am - Dr calls me to check on a possible part of the procedure we had talked about but they hadn't had me sign off on. I verbally ok'd it to the doctor and nurse. They also asked permission to give him and injection while his incisions were open and we ok'd that too. Then they began surgery.
10:25am - Call from the nurse stating surgery was going well. They were working on the femers and had the plates and two screws in.
11:40am - Call from the nurse stating surgery still going well. They were done with the femers and working on the Tibias.
2:00pm - Call from the nurse. They turned Zeke over. Everything was done except for the knees.
3:45pm - Call from the nurse. They were closing the last incision and then would put on the dressings and "soft casts". They don't put the regular "hard" casts on for 3 days because of swelling.
4:15pm - Surgeon came out and visited with us. Everything went really well and they accomplished everything they set out to do. She showed us Xrays of what they did and is letting us keep the pictures.
5:15pm - They took us in to recovery where Zeke was waking up. One of the doctors decided to temporarily discontinue the epidural to make sure that Zeke was getting feeling back into his legs. Once they determine he has, then they will start the epidural again. Until then, he'll have plenty of other medications.
6:00pm - Zeke was taken to his room upstairs. We traveled with him and they got him all set up in his room.
7:30pm - I went back to the hotel with the baby and Steve spent the night with Zeke.

The report is that Zeke had a good night. I'll try to get some pictures up later today.

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