Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We arrived at the hospital at 6:11am this morning.  We had to wait in line for quite a while before we could get checked in, mainly because they were having computer issues. I don't know if it was just our check-in person or others also but it took her a long time to check in the first person. By then, it was 6:30am and we were supposed to check in at 6:15am. Then the person directly in front of us started their check-in with the comment, "We're checking in early!" My prayer at that point was, "God, please grant me patience!"

By the time I stepped up to the desk, it was 6:36am. The receptionist had me sign a couple of papers and then considered us checked in because her computer still wasn't working correctly.  Shortly after that, a nurse came and ushered us inside the pre-op area.  He then weighed Zeke, took his temperature and blood pressure and gave him a gown to change into.

Next we were visited by a nurse who would remain with Zeke throughout the surgery in the operating room. Then came the anethesytist (I have no idea how to spell that and I'm not sure how to access spelling on this hospital computer :) Anyway, one of the doctor's who puts Zeke to sleep and controls the flow of medication during surgery. He explained exactly what they were going to do for Zeke and the effects it would have on him. He also explained the pros and cons of giving an epidural. We chose to let Zeke have one for this procedure. We were also visited by a child life specialist. That's the social worker that comes in and tries to help the child feel more comfortable. Zeke was already pretty comfortable because so far they had given him a blanket, a bear, slippers, bubble-gum flavored chapstick, a mask and a surgical hat. But she gave him a list of movies and then brought SpongeBob for him to watch while we were waiting for the doctor. She also had a few bears that were "dressed up" like Zeke would be after his surgery. They had the kind of casts and bar that he would have. Another bear had an IV. Zeke wasn't too concerned. He just keeps asking when he gets his wheelchair!

The last visitor was the doctor. She again explained the procedures and asked if we had any questions. We had to sign off on everything and then she pulled out the marker. Zeke has been wonderful about everything up to this point but he started to have a meltdown when the Dr wanted to write on his legs! They do it to make sure they and we know exactly what will be operated on. I guess it's just so ingrained in him that you aren't supposed to write on yourself that he didn't want her to write on him. She played with him for a few minutes to distract him and then we got it done. The writing was actually the doctor's initials (DQ for Dr Quambeck) so I convinced him it meant that he could have Dairy Queen when he felt better.

More later!

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