Thursday, September 9, 2010

If I hadn't Vowed to Blog...

If I hadn't vowed to blog today, I'd be in my bed right now watching the Vikings.  The baby didn't feel very good last night so I was up every hour with her.  My poor mother-in-law was up with her the night before.  Nothing serious, just a bad cold but it makes it hard for her to breath and swallow when she's lying down to sleep.

Anyway, we had Zeke's IEP (Individualized Education Plan) at school today with his teacher, the resource room director, the special education director, the speech therapist, the occupational therapist and the physical therapist.  Nothing really new and exciting, just happy that he's doing so well this year.  Hopefully I can post the video I took of Zeke reading.  He loves school and is reading at an about a 1st grade level.  He's also Mister Popular at the school.  He definitely loves friends!  With surgery scheduled in a couple of weeks, I've got a lot of extra things going on to make sure we're ready.  Zeke also has to have an appointment with his regular pediatrician in a couple of weeks so we can send the last of the paperwork to the Children's Hospital. 
I'm taking tomorrow morning off to road-trip with a friend.  I'd tell you where we're going but I can't remember.  All I know is that we're leaving at 8am and we'll be back by noon because I have a meeting at 1pm and another meeting at 2pm.  Then the kids get out of school at 3:18pm.
Great news of the day:  I received a phone call from a gal that I serve with on the PPRT board.  She said that the Larson Foundation had requested the name of a family to sponsor for a year membership to the new Children's Museum and she asked if it would be ok to give them our name.  So now our whole family can go play at the Museum for a year!  Isn't that awesome?!!!!
Now I'm off to cheer for the Vikings.  And, as usual, my husband will have to remind me to keep it down because the kids are sleeping : )

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