Saturday, March 5, 2011

Walmart & HyVee

I do not suggest taking 5 children to Walmart unless you are extremely demented and enjoy various forms of torture. I only went because the baby had a serious diaper rash and was pretty much inconsolable. I needed diaper rash cream and a prescription. Steve is gone and Brittney is at the movies with a friend so I loaded up everyone else in the van.

Into Walmart went:

one very crabby 1 year old,
one hyper 6 year old that can't keep his hands off of anything or anyone,
one very easily distracted 8 year old using a walker,
one extremely tired and irritable from a sleep-over 8 year old,
one go where ever he wants 9 year old because he knows it all,
and one mom trying to hold it together long enough to get some diaper rash cream.
We made it in and out and proceeded to our local grocery store. HyVee is counting their blessings right now that we used their drive thru pharmacy instead of going inside!

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