Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Riley Says

Riley has a girlfriend, Amy. They've been friends since kindergarten and it's a pretty innocent little friendship. Trust me, I keep a close eye on them because they're only in 3rd grade. They've been "dating" for quite a while now and I originally thought that it was Riley who wanted to have a girlfriend. It turns out that it was the other way around. She's pursuing him. She writes him little love notes and calls all the time. One evening, after 8 phone calls from her on my phone and who knows how many more on Steve's and Brittney's phones, I finally told Riley that he needed to tell her to quit calling so much. I told him that right now it's just kind off annoying but eventually, having a girlfriend that posessive and controlling wouldn't be good. A girlfriend should let him be who he is without trying to change him or tell him what to do all the time or call a million times a day. I explained that Amy is really excessive.

He thought for a moment, then shrugged and replied, "I guess I'll try excessive first."

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