Saturday, August 6, 2011

It's Crunch Time

Yesterday was a full day! Trying to bat cleanup from being gone with Zeke and catch up on everything I put off. Then I went to work at the Produce Stand from 11-6. As soon as I got home at 6:30pm, Steve had to leave to do concessions for a baseball tournament. It wouldn't have been so bad except when I got home, the baby was running a fever and just generally feeling miserable. So instead of getting anything else accomplished,  I sat and rocked with the baby most of the evening. Nothing got done but I have to admit that it was fun to snuggle with her for a while. As soon as Steve got home late last night, I had to send him out for diapers because we were completely out.
Today will be the last push for VBS since it starts on Sunday. It's probably panic time but there's too much to do to waste time panicking. It's a good thing I work with a great team of people! I really hope the baby is feeling better today because I'll need to take all 6 kids with me to the church. It's Steve's Saturday to work at the bank until noon and then he'll go right to the Swiftel Center until 10pm.

I guess it's crunch time but I've decided I work best under pressure so here we go!

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