Friday, August 12, 2011

Is It Saturday Yet?

I can't wait for the weekend. We have absolutely nothing on our schedule and that hasn't happened for quite some time. Today was busy though.
I'm probably one of the few people in the world who actually enjoys having the Department of Social Services in my house. It helps that we work with some really nice DSS people. In addition to different meetings, visits, court hearings, etc., we also have a monthly meeting with the baby's social worker which takes place in our home. So that's how I started out the day.
Riley and Anthony went to Boys & Girls Club. Taylor went with our friend Joan for a "girls day". All I know is that it involved shopping and eating. The baby went to daycare and Zeke hung out at home with Brittney.

Then I went to work at the produce stand. There are many great benefits to working there, including money and fresh produce, but my favorite part is getting to visit with all kinds of people and hopefully making their day just a bit better than it was before. Dawnna actually encourages us to take the time to visit with the customers!
As soon as I got off work a little after 6pm, I picked up a couple of the baby's siblings, one of their neighbors and a few of my kids and headed to the pool. Steve met me there with the rest of our kids. We swam and played until 8pm. I'm exhausted! Now Steve's out running with the baby and the rest of the kids are in bed (minus Brittney). I think I'll head there soon myself. But first I'll enjoy a slice of the Strawberry/Ruhbarb pie Dawnna sent home with me!

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