Monday, February 14, 2011

Omaha Trip, part 1; Friday

Hobbie Family Reunion
This is the 6th year we've had a Hobbie Family Reunion.
My dad's parent's, Walt & Gladys Hobbie, had 3 children, Larry, Sharon, & Gary.

Here's the breakdown:
My folks, Larry & Connie, live near Flandreau SD

Steve and I have 5+ children (the plus includes the foster baby :)
My sister Heather & Dan live in Brookings SD and have Aubrey & Coby

Sharon & Lee live near Minneapolis, KS and have Cory, Kyle & Megan

Cory & Tabatha live near Kansas City, Missouri and have Noah & Samuel
Kyle lives in Wyoming and has a dog and a tiny motorcycle.
Megan & Bill live in Olatha, KS and have Isaac, Sha'uri & Eloise

Gary & Judy live near Flandreau SD and have Amber, Anthony & Austin

Amber lives near Flandreau SD and does not have dog or a tiny motorcycle
Anthony & Nikki live in Mitchell SD and have Haley & Natalie
Austin & Angela live in Houston TX and have Braylon.
Those are the people we party with at the Hobbie Reunion!
Packed & Ready to Go
In case you were wondering,
this is what a minivan packed for a weekend for 8 looks like.
Backseat Traveling
Anthony, Riley & Taylor
Grandpa Larry, Uncle Gary,  Amber, Aunt Sharon, and Kyle watching the kids swim at the hotel.
Uncle Lee with his "swimwear" on.
He said that no one should go swimming unless they wore the proper swimming attire.
Then he promptly put a swimming diaper on his head like a swimming cap!
Hot Tub Time
Taylor, Heather, Coby, Brittney, Dan, Hayley, Riley , Zeke & Kyle
Just A Blur
I tried to take a picture of the kids playing in the pool area but this is all I got.
Which makes sense, since that is pretty much how we saw them.
 After a fun afternoon of swimming, we all went back to a hospitality room and had Taco Soup (kind of like a taco flavored chili that you put on top of corn chips and then top with whatever taco toppings you like). Nikki also made some spectacular fruit pizza and veggie pizza that you can see in the picture.
Everyone had two valentine's cookies with their name on it.
Then some people stayed up playing games and others went to bed. I chose bed because I was exhausted from all my traveling.  Our kids all went to bed easily because they were so tired. They baby went to bed but she didn't stay asleep. She would wake up every half hour/hour and cry and scream. I think she was really disoriented and scared. It made for a long night.

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