Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's Thursday (because that's the best title I can come up with until I have a cup of coffee)

This is Riley and his present from Grandma Lori. I didn't blog much about Riley's birthday because with everything else going on, we opted to have his party this Friday instead of last Friday. Otherwise we would have just quickly thrown something together but this way he can have some friends over after school and we can have an actual party. It's Friday evening if anyone wants to join in. His friends will be here from 3:30 - 7:30pm. I'll let them make their own homemade pizzas and have some fun.

This picture was taken before the casts came off but this shows his bed in the dining room. Zeke is still doing really well. He's able to bend his knees now. Not quite enough to sit in a regular chair but enough that we can lower the legs of his wheelchair. Which is good because it was tough to manuver him around with his legs sticking straight out. He has also been taking some steps with his walker. He can go about 15 steps or so by himself. I always keep a PT belt on him when he's standing though because his legs can give out without a lot of warning. I hold on to the belt and can "catch" him if he starts to go down. The more strength he gains back, the less it becomes a factor. His incisions are all healing nicely. The bigger ones on his knees are the only ones that still have a bit of healing to go but even they are healing well.
I'm hoping to move his bed back into his room by next week.

The basement room is also progressing well. The guys got all the studs in place and half of the insulation up. The wiring in the ceiling and the wall is complete. The next step is boxing in the heating duct and then we can hang the drywall. The guys are even going to drywall the ceiling for us. Then mudding, taping and painting. Steve's mom will have that spot once it's completed so she has her own space. She is still looking for a job in Brookings and has been staying with us to take classes and continue the job search. Her help with family meals has been wonderful, especially since Steve is still on his goofy work schedule and doesn't get home until after 6pm.
God has been prompting people I love and respect to give me encouragement. He must know that I need it right now.  I received an email from a wonderful family member (if you read this, you know who you are :) that totally made my day. Then later I received an encouraging card in the mail from a friend, which made my day again. We get to have lunch and chat on Friday! Can't wait!
So to those special friends and all of you reading this, thanks for your thoughts and prayers. And for taking the time out of your day to care about me and my family. If I don't express it enough, you are appreciated!
. my mom.  You are awesome! Thanks for picking up cereal for us yesterday even though you were busy taking care of dad and recouperating from your trip.

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