Thursday, February 25, 2010


Just a random picture from the family reunion.  My cousin spotted this dumpster by the church we attended.
I was on the computer yesterday but I guess I forgot to blog.  I dropped off the kids at school, then took Brit's forgotten flute to the middle school, got Anthony to preschool, went to Taylor's class to help out, came home and chatted with my mom on the phone for a while, picked Anthony up, dropped the van off to get the door locks fixed, watched David a & Kassy, made manicotti and left with Steve for Sioux Falls by 5pm.  We kind of consider it almost a date since we have an hour together in the car each way every Wednesday night!
Today was fun friend chat day at our house.  People had varied schedules today so it was really come and go but definitely interesting.  I always learn so much.  I also invited a couple of Anthony's friends over to play this morning and to have lunch with us.   The kids were having so much fun that I called their mom and asked if I could just bring them home after school.  So we did!
I was very much reminded this week that no one can live life without help and sometimes we need help more than other times.  There was a point in my life after the boys moved in that I was completely overwhelmed.  I had some very good friends that stepped up and helped me even when I was too proud to ask for help.  Laundry, meals and and verbal support, just to name a few.  But I felt like I was failing because I couldn't do it all myself.  I eventually realized that God puts people in our lives to be His hands on Earth.  At the time, I was just relieved to have help, but looking back, I'm so glad that those people responded to God's prompting to help our family.  Now that I'm in a much more stable time in life, I ask God daily to open my eyes to others who I can help survive through tough times.  Sometimes it's not even about the ones we are helping. It's about responding to what God urges and enables us to do for others.  He's developing our character to become more like him.  We're called to take care of each other!

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