Saturday, February 20, 2010

Prayer Adventure

Today: Cheerleading clinic for Taylor, Spa Birthday party for a friend of Brittney's, new shelves build and put up in Riley and Zeke's room, and lots of Wii playing. And one of my favorites, the Women's Prayer Adventure at our church. If you've never participated, it's a great experience! . For anyone not familiar, A Prayer Adventure "is designed to take you from station to station and it directs your prayer time with kinesthetic activities where you’ll interact by writing, reading, taking communion, etc. There is even a Lego activity that will surprise you!". The station that impacted me the most this time was #5, which was based on Heb 10:22 "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." . That station helped me to comtemplate and pray about not being satisfied that I have moved from a place of discontentment to contentment, but to continue to progress to a place of pure joy in Christ. . In addition to the verse, the instructions on table 5 were as follows: God offers peace and joy. Pick up a pebble and hold it in your hand. Consider your life. How is it lacking in peace and joy. Ask God to give you peace and joy. Wash off your pebble in the water. Feel God's peace wash over you. Take the pebble with you as a reminder of what God has done. Praise God for his peace and respond to him in joy.. . I placed the mud covered pebble into the water to wash it and I thought about how it looked just like any other pebble. As the water rinsed over it and my fingers gently scrubbed over it, the mud began peeling away. The muddier the water became, the cleaner my pebble became. Some of the mud was so caked on in clumps that I had to physically scrape it away with my fingernail. Probably not the most comfortable for me or the pebble. But as the mud washed away, the beautiful emerald green of the pebble began to show through. And as I held the freshly washed pebble up to the light and watched the spectacular glow of color, I realized that God sent his only son to be the "water that can remove our mud". Whatever mud I have accumulated in my life has been washed away by his blood. And when I let him wash me, his love and light can shine through me and show others my true self with Him.

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