Monday, January 11, 2010

On the Road Again

Being the travelers that we are, we're off again! This time we're heading to St. Paul, MN. Zeke has an appointment at Gillette Children's hospital on Tuesday morning for a gait analysis. Then on Wednesday morning, he'll be seen in at the Burnsville clinic by the orthopedic surgeon to determine if Zeke needs to have orthopedic surgery or not. We're leaving as soon as Steve gets off work this afternoon, hopefully around 4:30pm. Lots of people have asked us what the other kids are doing, so here you go: . Brittney is staying with her friend Corah. They go to the same school and are both in team gymnastics so their schedules are pretty much the same. . Riley is staying with the Lisa Minor family. They have boys around his age and go the same school so hopefully he'll fit in pretty well. . Taylor is staying with her best friend Emily, who lives down the street and is in Taylor's class at school. . Zeke is obviously going with us. . We thought about finding various spots for Anthony, but he's a bit more difficult to find a spot for. First of all, because he's the youngest and not in school, he needs to have someone to watch him for more time then any of the other kids. Also, he seems to have the most difficulty with separation from us. It's really hard to have him at Zeke's appointments because the two of them mess around when Zeke is supposed to be following the doctors' or nurses' instructions so that we can get the best evaluation possible for his muscles and his walking. But we would all pay for it if we left him home and he ended up having a meltdown. So he's going too.

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