Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stir with a Knife

Sometimes I think about the oddest things. I wonder if my children will grow up thinking that the correct way to stir coffe is with a knife?
 I remember having coffee with some of my friends at Perkins last year, back when we used to meet every Friday morning. Without even thinking, I grabbed a knife to stir my coffee and then found myself explaining why. The simple reason is that spoons are a commodity at our house. Between all the breakfast cereal and regular meals, there aren't a lot of spoons left at the end of the day. So a few years ago when I couldn't find a clean spoon I just grabbed a knife. By the next day, I was convinced that it was just as easy to stir my creamer with a knife - and there was always one in the drawer! So from then on, I've used a knife to stir my coffee. But I've never taken the time to explain why to my children. This morning as I was stirring, I was having visions of my adult children arguing with a spouse about the "proper" way to stir coffee!

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