Friday, May 28, 2010

More Room Rearranging and Stuff


1) Riley and his stuff are still in the dining room.

2) Taylor is all moved into her room on the main floor

3) We cleaned out Tay's old room downstairs, including vaccuuming, carpet cleaning and cleaning the windows.

4) I painted all the shelves in the huge closet in Tay's old room.  She had written in marker some very interesting comments on the shelves and walls, such as, "I love God and Jesus" and "Taylor Anne Wilkins" and "I like Gavin", among other things.  Since Brittney is moving into that room, she prefered not to have the interesting notations on the walls and shelves.  She also conned Grandma Connie into taking her to Lowes for some green paint.  She and one of her friends painted the top half of her wall green.  The bottom half was already pink.  It's not something I would have chosen, but it's really kind of cute.  She wants to put a brown border around the middle of the room.    I think all the paint should be dry tonight and we can move her furniture in tomorrow.  After that, Riley can move into Brittney's old room downstairs. 

5) Riley helped me make supper tonight and did a really good job.  We had spagetti with the homemade sauce that we made last fall.  Riley browned the hamburger and put the extra ingredients into the sauce.  Then I cut up a big loaf of bread and we buttered it and put garlic salt and mozzarella cheese on top.  Riley even wanted to put it in the oven.   I have a budding chef on my hands!

6) We took all the kids except Brittney to the church with us.  They played on the playground while we mowed.  If Steve and I are both mowing, we can usually get it done in 2-3 hours.  Tonight, Steve took everyone home after a couple hours and got them bathed and ready for bed while I finished up at the church.

7) Brittney's off to a church youth event called Prison Break.  They have a giant scaffold with spotlights set up in the field by the church.  They have random things set up throughout the field, like large tree branches, tents, tarps, a church van, a tunnel, etc.  Now that it's dark, the object is to run from the starting point at one end of the field and make it to the other end without being "spotted" with the searchlight.  Looked like lots of fun but it's a bit late for me :)

1 comment:

  1. Brittney "con"-ed me, but that's my name, so it's hard to turn her down. Grandma Con
