Friday, May 28, 2010

Major Room Rearrangment

We started a major room rearrangement yesterday.  

1)  Riley and I moved all his things to the dining room, including his mattress, from the room on the main floor that he shared with Zeke.  Then he vaccuumed and I dusted while the sheets and blankets were in the washing machine.

2)Anthony and I moved all Anthony's things into the space previously occupied by Riley.  So now Zeke and Anthony share a room.  Riley and Taylor vaccuumed that room.  For some reason, my kids love to vaccuum.  I'm not going to question it too closely!

3)Riley, Taylor, Kylie (a neighbor girl) and I moved Taylor's bed and dresser into the room uptairs that Anthony used to have.  The dresser is pretty big so I was pretty wiped out after we got that done.  Everyone helped move Taylor's clothes upstairs and then we quit for the day.

4)We headed out around 3 to Grandpa Larry and Grandma Connie's for a cookout.  They have new baby kitties that were just moved up by the house and the kids were all excited to see them.  We took a friend of Brittney's out with us and the kids rode bike, played outside, held kitties, climbed in the bean bin and just generally had fun.  The highlight of Zeke's day was riding with Grandpa on the tractor for an hour or so.  Anthony rode for a bit, too.  Steve drove out after work and then left at 8pm for softball.  At the end of the evening, Grandma brought out a project.  We attempted to make a plaster stone for Will's grave.  After a few initial tries and mistakes, and lots of kid help, I think we got it done.  After it dries, the kids can decorate it and place it on the grave. 

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