Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wanted or Not, The Blog is Back

First of all, thank you for all of the supportive comments. I wasn't fishing for them but I must admit that they made me feel much better about blogging. I received comments, phone calls, emails and texts explaining to me why I need to continue. So, at the risk of sounding like a politician, thank you for your support!
Secondly, I've decided to continue blogging for a number of reasons. It's an important connection between our lives and our boys' biological family. I can easily provide them with stories, pictures and events of our family and they can more easily feel a part of our lives, which we want to encourage.
It's also become an important connection between myself and my family and friends. I know my friends, parents and lots of my aunts and uncles read just to see what's going on in our busy lives and are some of our strongest prayer warriers.
Third, I've learned that there are people out there who do actually gain insight from reading the blogs. I love the fact that some of the tough things we go through as a family can help someone else in their life, even if it's just letting them know that they're not alone or giving them a good laugh.
Fourth, I went back and re-read my past blogs and, although there are some unpleasant things, I can honestly say that I never posted anything with the intent to hurt anyone else. In fact, when I looked things over, I realized that the issue probably arose when I chose not to be honest enough on the blog about certain situations. I deliberately chose not to publish some information about others that was extremely negative, and because of that, I looked selfish when I would vent a little about how I was feeling about certain situations. And by not providing ALL the information, I caused someone with a good heart and a very protective nature to respond. So I shall be more careful about what I post in the future. Unfortunately, that means that some of what's on my heart will go unpublished, but on the flip side, it means feelings will be protected. And I can live with that.


  1. Yea!!! You're back!

  2. I read your blog and love your honesty in all situations. I found it refreshing to read that not everything is perfect, but you also have challenges. Hang in there! You are a wonderful lady with a huge heart.
