Friday, October 15, 2010

Headstart Story

Taylor continued throwing up during the night and still has a pretty high fever. I hope she feels better today! I'm stil keeping her home either way.
Absolutely nothing on my schedule today so I really hope I can get something done.  ie. laundry, kitchen floor, filing, bills. We'll see how it goes.
Zeke is doing fine and even threw a big temper tantrum yesterday when I made him "lay down and rest" after lunch.  The kid amazes me. His legs and feet are all cut up, with plates, screws and pins all over. Itchy casts and having to have his legs straight out even though they are full of incisions. He's not complaining a bit. He just takes every day as it comes and pain for him is all relative. He just does something else so he's not thinking about it. And he's never once mentioned being stuck in his bed and wheelchair and not able to get up and play with everyone else. His good attitude is so contageous people come over just to laugh and smile with him!

I remember when Zeke was in headstart. He could hardly walk with his walker and couldn't stand up by himself. Everything he did took extra effort and lots of times things we take for granted were painful for him. Not to mention the fact that everytime he lived somewhere, he was moved to a different place with different people who were strangers to him. He had so much to bring him down, yet he just kept smiling and sharing his life with everyone. People were so taken with the little boy who had so much to complain about and yet kept smiling and shuffling through life.

In fact, when he graduated from headstart, the teacher gave me a letter written by one of the mothers to Zeke. I put it away for him to read when he's older. The mom came from a very disadvantaged backgound, both emotionally and economically, and was currently dealing with a lot of issues in her life. She wasn't sure she could go on or that life was even worth it. But then she would see Zeke, the little boy who kept smiling despite unspeakable odds and innumerous challenges. He would struggle through each day with a smile on his face. She wrote that seeing Zeke gave her the courage to go on. If a little boy could do it, so could she!

1 comment:

  1. You show 'em, Zeke! You have given all of us a good reminder. Grandma Connie
