Saturday, October 16, 2010

7am and All Is Well

Yesterday was a bit of a chaos day but today looks to be a bit calmer. Zeke continued on his half day at school on Friday but I kept Taylor home since she had still been throwing up during the night. She was feeling good enough in the afternoon to lay in my room, watching cartoons and calling for me every 5 minutes. I'd go see what Tay wanted, then Zeke would need something, then because I walked away from the baby, she would start crying/yelling, "Mumumumumumum!" Which I guess is her version of mom. It gets my attention anyway. My sister picked up the two kids still at school and then at 4:30, I picked up our friend Misha. His dad is still in the Ukraine waiting on the 4th set of fingerprints to clear so they can get their visas and come home. He'll be bringing Misha's new brother with him and then they'll go back in a few weeks for his new sister. I can't wait! I think Misha is ready for his dad to be home too!
Today is the opening day of Pheasant hunting season. That wouldn't mean much to me except for the fact that a bunch of Steve's hunting buddies come up from North Carolina and that's the one time a year Steve can see them. So every year Steve heads to Redfield around this time and go hunting with the boys for the weekend.
We had a bit of a communication problem this year. Seems to happen a lot when there are tons of kids that need attention, help with homework, etc. So even though Steve and I took an hour and a half by ourselves (the first time in months :) last Wednesday specifically to talk about upcoming schedules/plans, we neglected to discuss this weekend.
I assumed that Steve was going and was taking the older kids. The date's been on our calendar for almost a year and he goes every year. Steve assumed, like a good husband, that he needed to stay home because we have one kid in a wheelchair, one baby and a really sick kid. I learned that he wasn't planning on going when Brittney stomped into my room and started yelling about Dad not taking them hunting. So at lunch yesterday, we finally discussed it and I convinced Steve that I could handle the remaining kids. The end result was that I packed up 3 kids and had them ready to go by the time Steve got home at 6:30 last night. When he got home, I ran to the store to pick up some more baby food because that's the one thing I didn't want to run out of and Steve fed the kids. Taylor was feeling fine by then and really wanted to go too so I helped her get her stuff together and by 8pm, Steve, Brittney, Riley, Taylor and Anthony were out the door and packed into the car. That left me with only 3, Zeke, Sophia and Misha. I parked the two bigger boys in front of a SpongeBob DVD while I the fed the baby her night time cereal. While I was changing her and putting on her pajamas, Joni came to pick up Misha. We chatted a few minutes, they left, I put the baby to bed, turned off Zeke's DVD so he would go to sleep and then I went to bed too.
I'm looking forward to all the things I can get done today with only two kids!

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