Thursday, November 5, 2009

Zeke's Doctor's Appointment

Gotta love Wednesdays! Tay's class in the morings, Anthony and I for lunch and then Steve and I took Zeke and Taylor to Sioux Falls to see Zeke's doctor. We're scheduled to visit his doctors in St. Paul in a couple weeks but Zeke's been having some issues that we felt we needed to check on right away. 1)There was an area of puffy redness around his right ankle, 2) his balance seemed to be more 'off' than usual, 3) he complained of pain in his lower back. The doctor checked him over pretty well to try to figure out what's going on. . 1) His braces needed to be adjusted because the plastic was rubbing near his ankle and causing redness and swelling. Hopefully this will take care of the ankle issue 2) Balance may be related to the ankle issue. Once his ankle heals, we'll see if his walking/balance gets better again. 3) The doctor did notice a bit of swelling on his lower back. She spoke with the doctors in St Paul but they were not concerned about it in relation to his surgury last year. They said that because he is a year post-op, that what ever the issue is, it wouldn't be related to the SDR. They'll take a look at his back when we're up there but we don't need to rush him up earlier. We'll just keep an eye on his back and if it gets worse or he complains more, we're supposed to call his doctor right away. The current theory, both from the doctor and from us, is that possibly because of the ankle issue, he was walking differently and using different muscles and that was putting strain on the muscles of his lower back. . On a completely different note, Christmas program practice started for the kids last night. Anthonys still too little but the rest will be in the program. I stayed home with Anthony last night instead of going to church. He had a bit of a tough day and melted down at supper so he wasn't going to church. He still has issues when we talk about taking Zeke to the doctor. Even thought we talk it over, he still goes back to the seven weeks I was gone when Zeke was in the hospital last year. That triggers him to think he's being left, just like in his past. Whew!

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