Thursday, October 29, 2009

Yesterday, part 6 - Shirt Cutting

We had a pizza party at church this week with our Wednesday Bible Study group. The kids love it and it's fun just to sit and visit while we eat. After that, the kids went to their own classes and our class started. After class, I dealt with my final parenting challenge for the day. Sometime during his class, Riley took a scissors and chopped up the front of the shirt he was wearing. Steve about blew a gasket but I just ignored it. It was the least of my worries for the day!

Yesterday, part 5 - Brittney's Issue

Brittney has been complaining about going to her Wednesday night church group. Because she's my child, she doesn't easily open up about what's going on. So for the last two weeks, as we've been doing other stuff together, I been trying to figure out what her issue was with her class. The most I ever got out of her was that it was boring. . So finally on Tuesday, she told me that they have a journal they are supposed to write in every day and thought questions they are suposed to answer. She was so busy that she didn't have time to get it done by Wednesday night. When Brittney and I were visiting, she informed me that one of her teachers told her that if it wasn't important enough to make time for, then she "didn't need to bother coming." . I was pretty upset. Steve and I are very proud of Brittney and her ability to juggle all of her various activities. We just attended her school conference and she had great grades and stays on top of her homework. She also has gymnastics three nights a week from right after school until 7:30pm and competitions on the weekends. In addition, she plays flute in the band and is active in church, both on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. I felt like she was not only keeping up with all her activities but thriving in them. Now if I really felt like her spiritual life was suffering because of her other activities, I would be the first one to pull her back to concentrate on God. But that wasn't the case. I really didn't think that a few questions would make or break her relationship with God. Not only that, but I thought that it was really innapropriate for a teacher to make an ultimatium like that, especially in a class of preteens. . My first step was visiting with other moms who had daughters in the class. I didn't give any specifics or bad mouth the teachers. I just asked if their daughters had mentioned anything about the class. I got some vague answers so my next step was to vist with the teachers and find out what had happened. I also had to visit with my mom, who is the children's pastor. I really just wanted her opinion but I also needed to check in with her as the one in charge. I really just wanted to handle it on my own though, just so the teachers didn't think they had to do whatever I said just because my mom was in charge. But I also wanted to make sure she was aware of the issue just so she wasn't blindsided later. . On Wednesday night I visited with one of the teachers, who is actually a good friend of mine, for a few minutes before class. Apparently, Brittney has had a very negative attitude concerning the class and has been very vocal about it. I don't mind a little complaining here and there, but not being respectful to teachers is definitely NOT ok in our household. She was actually mouthy to the teachers and leading some of the other kids in the class to be disrespectful too. The comment made by the teacher that concerned me so much wasn't even directed specifically at Brit. It was made as a general statement to the class after many of the girls grumbled, "I don't want to do this", "This is boring", etc. And the statement actually was more to the effect that if they disliked being there so much, they weren't being forced to be there. They could just stay home and let those who wanted to be there actually get something out of the class. Makes total sense to me. . So once I had all the information, I asked the teacher if we could have a meeting later that night with the two teachers, Brittney and I. She said sure. When I talked to Brit, she didn't want anything to do with it. We all sat down and I asked Brittney if she had been respectful to her teachers in class. At least she answered honestly, and a little sheepishly, "No." . Basically the meeting went really well. I asked Brit a few questions about her behavior in class and respecting her teachers. Her teachers talked about how it made them feel and that the other kids really looked up to her and took their cues from her about how to act in class. They also let her know that every activity might not be fun but that they're always open to suggestions. Afterwords, I could tell Brit felt better. I think it was eating at her that she'd been acting that way but I think she'd already committed herself to the bad attitude and didn't feel like she could change it by herself. . Later that night, Brit and I talked about respecting her teachers. I also let her know that it's ok to come home and let me know she doesn't like something or even let her teachers know in private later, just not publicly in a degrading way that makes others have a negative attitude too. I also mentioned that we shouldn't criticize how something is unless we're prepared to step in to help make changes. She agreed that instead of being negative about the class, she would try to make it fun for others and the teachers. . Parenting wears me out!

Yesterday, part 4 - Phone Call

While I was canning yesterday, I received a phone call from Riley's teacher. It went something like this: Teacher: "Is your daughter Brittney missing a bracelet?" Me: "I'm not sure. Why?" Turns out, Riley stole Brittney's charm bracelet. It's pretty important to her and she doesn't wear it very often because it's so special. It originally came from Grandma Letoy. There are some charms from her, from Grandma Sandy, from Heather and some Brit picked out herself. Riley took the bracelet and gave it to his "girlfriend" at school. Fortunately, the girl's mom was suspicious and called the teacher, who in turn called me. You'd think by the time he's almost 8, he'd know enough not to steal and give as a gift an item that says BRITTNEY right on it. . So we're back to an adult being with Riley at all times. It's not the most convenient for us but no one ever said parenting was easy.

Yesterday, part 3 - Home

After meeting my mom, I quickly drove home and threw more clothes into the washing machine and dryer and folded and put away the clean clothes. Dirty dishes went into the dishwasher and the counters got wiped down. Then I headed back to the preschool to pick up Anthony. Back home again, I washed, cut and cooked apples. After they were soft, I put them through the food grinder to make applesauce. So far I've canned 18 quarts of applesauce. I forgot to request the can lifter so I struggled a bit getting the cans out of the hot water but other than that, my first attempt at canning applesauce was a success!

Yesterday, part 2 - Office Visit

After I left Taylor's class, I drove to the church to have a meeting with the Women's and Children's Minister, who also happens to be my mom. I had a lot weighing on my mind concerning one of my kid's church classes. More about that later. We had a great discussion but the part that meant the most to me was when I asked to talk to her, she volunteered to switch the time of another meeting so we could talk right away. We were able to figure out a time that worked without having to cancel her other appointment but isn't it cool that I'm important enough to make time for? Good discussion, great mom!

Yesterday, part 1 - Tay's Class

I started the morning with the usual. Five kids up, fed, dressed, teeth brushed, beds made and rooms picked up. Steve usually takes Brittney, so I dropped Riley, Zeke and Taylor off at school. Next, Anthony and I went to his preschool and I went back to my van and had a quiet two minute ride by myself back to the elementary school. My coffee and I signed in at the front office to help in Taylor's class. I've been going in every Wednesday at 8:45am for an hour or two. I've gotten to do lots of different things with the kids, usually one-on-one or in groups of two or three. Sometimes I have them read to me, sometimes we work on spelling and once we even painted pumpkins! Yesterday, the teacher had sight words (words the kids are learing to recognize by just looking at them) that we used to play a game of memory. The kids love playing games and it helps them learn the words. I'm so glad that I get the opportunity be in the class. I get to spend extra time with Taylor, I get to know the kids in her class, I get to know her teachers better, and I get to help kids learn. It's one of the highlights of my week.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I hope I have enough energy tomorrow to blog about today. For now, the short version: working in Tay's class, 5 loads of laundry, 2 dishwasher loads of dishes, canning 18 quarts of applesauce, call from Riley's teacher, impromptu meeting with Brit's Wed night teachers (reason for the meeting, not good - actual meeting, good), bible study pizza party, kid distroying shirt w/scissors. Parenting is NOT easy but it sure does provide some good stories!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Email Me

I'll have a big change coming on the blog. Sometime soon, I'll be changing the blog so only certain people have access. In order to access the blog site, I'll have to enter your email address. There are some of you I'll put on automatically. You have no choice :) You should know who you are. If you've been reading and would like to continue, all you have to do is send me your current email address and I'll add it to the list so you can continue to read. I hope to have the change completed in the next month or so, so don't procrastinate sending your email. Thanks! My email is: Ok everyone. You can disregard this post. There were too many issues. #1. I would have to enter each person's email address. #2. There were more of you who checked this out than I realized and it limited me to 100 email addresses. I'm not leaving off anyone who's interested. #3. In order to check the blog, you'd have to have a account. Lots of people aren't comfortable giving out the info needed to get an account. #4. Even if I ok'd your email address and you set up an account, each time you checked the blog, you would have to enter your email address again. I'll just keep the blog the way it is : )

Brit Read the Blog

Apparently I have to print a retraction :) Brittney read the blog and said I was mistaken. She placed 3rd on Bars, Floor and Vault. She did receive the 3rd place trophy for All-Around but floor is not her favorite event. Vault is! . At least she said, "Thank you." for the retraction.

Brit's Vault

Brit also place 3rd on vault. They add the individual scores together to get an all-around score. Suprise, suprise. She place 3rd in All-Around! She received a trophy for All-Around and metals for the other 3 events. Next year when she's in 7th grade, she can qualify to compete on the high school team. We'll see what happens. For now, we'll enjoy watching her compete in level 5. Vault is her favorite event.

Brit's Bars

Brit didn't place on bars but she still scored well, especially for her first meet using both uneven bars.

Brit's Floor Routine

Brit placed 3rd in floor. It's one of her favorite events. I love that Steve used the camera to video so that I could post it!

Brit's Beam Routine

This is Brit's first competition of the year. She placed 3rd on Beam.

Brit & Carly Patterson

Carley Patterson was a gold-metalist in gymnastics. Brit was really pumped to meet her!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Taylor Loves Everyone

End of the Day Video

Brittney Says, Tay Adds

Brittney, while in the van after picking up her new competition leo, declared, "If I get to the Olympics for gymnastics, all the money I make will go to clothes, shoes and Grandma Connie." . As soon as Taylor heard this, she had to put her two cents in. "My money will go to Phineas and Ferb."

Anthony Says

"Mom, are cows made out of white milk?"

Taylor Says

Taylor's response when I told her she couldn't get out the craft stuff until she put the playdough away: "That's dumb! D-O-M! Dumb!" . Her spelling leaves a little to be desired.


Seven kids for the day and Steve going straight from one job to the next. See you tomorrow, if I survive today!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Taylor Says

Taylor is standing behind me telling me that her uni-brow still hurts. Immediately after that, she asks me, "Mom, what's a uni-brow?"

Brittney & Friends

Just some pictures of Brit and a few of her friends at school. We had two school conferences yesterday and one today, plus some babysitting and gymnastics. I wasn't sure last night that I was going to be able to survive this four day weekend from school but so far, it's going well - just busy!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


After a hard freeze, our tree in the front yard lost all of it's leaves within an hour. The kids had a blast! Our whole street looked like we had a blizzard of green leaves.

Riley & Zeke Dancing

Riley wanted me to video them "dancing". Taylor is oblivious on the couch but the dog sure thought it looked like fun! Brit is the one dashing through. Sorry for the video quality but I had just brought the camera in from the van and it kept fogging up.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One Word Answers

A friend sent this to me and even though I have a ton of things I could be blogging about, I decided to do this instead. If you have a blog, try it! Copy and paste this onto a new post in your blog. Write your own answers to the questions below. Remember -you can only use one word answers! _______________________________________________________ Where is your cell phone?- purse Your hair? -long Your mother?- two Your father? – dependable Your favorite food?- watermelon Your dream last night?- busy Your favorite drink? Dew Your dream/goal? – Christlike What room are you in?- office Your hobby?- reading Your Fear?- people Where do you want to be in 6 years? – home Where were you last night? – home Something that you aren’t?- outgoing Muffins?- blueberry Wish list item? – crockpot (Steve accidently broke mine) Where did you grow up?-Dakota Last thing you did? dishes What are you wearing?- PJ's Your TV?- Football! Your pets?-dogs Friends?- loyal Your life?-kids Your mood?- tired Missing someone?- no Vehicle?- van Something you’re not wearing?-makeup Your favorite store?-BarnesandNoble (if I don't use any spaces, it's still one word, right?) Your favorite color?- Red When was the last time you laughed?- today Last time you cried? - July One place that I go to over and over?- library One person who emails me regularly?- mom Favorite place to eat? out

Taylor Says

This is the sign that Taylor created and taped on the door to the office. She put it up so that she could shut the door and work in peace. . For those of you who don't understand Taylor writing, it says, "Please do not disturb." And her little face with the speech bubble is saying, "Please".

Monday, October 12, 2009


Apparently I should not have promised a prompt update. The kids have had a four day break from school with today being the final day :) I am trying to practice intentional parenting by not sitting on the computer when I should be supervising them, so here I go again into the world of my children! Wish me luck!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Brittney's Dance

I just delivered Brittney to her first Middle School dance at the Boys & Girls club. We'll see what she has to say after it's over. I'm picking her up at 10pm. I'll keep you posted tomorrow :)

Anthony's Field Trip, part 3

After the tour, the kids had snack. They got to enjoy lots of fresh fruit!
Anthony's favorite was the cracker with homemade pear jam. I got the receipe and can't wait to try it out next year.
In the store, Anthony had to get his picture taken with the pumpkin painted like spiderman!

Anthony's Field Trip, part 2

The kids got to sample all kinds of fresh produce. Here, Anthony is trying grapes he just picked off the vine. Some of Anthony's school friends standing under popcorn. It looks a lot like sweet corn! On our way to the pumpkin patch. The kids got to choose two pumpkins from the field to take home. Because it rained so much during the previous week, we adults picked a bunch and brought them back to the grass so the kids didn't have to get stuck in the mud. They still got to choose their own out of the pile though.

Anthony's Field Trip

Anthony's preschool class went to SoDak Gardens on Wednesday. It was the only sunny day so far this week. Here are Anthony (in the bright red jacket) and few of his friends waiting for the tour to begin. One of the kids favorites were the pumpkins, gourds and squash. Poor Anthony actually had to stand still for a minute so I could take his picture with some pumpkins. What a cute kid! This was one of the few times he stayed in one place. The kids got to pick pears right off the tree and eat them!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Kids, Kids and More Kids

This morning was Anthony's Field trip to Sodak Gardens. Pictures posted tomorrow. We were home by 11:30am and from then on, it was a revolving door for kids at our house. First, Anthony's friend Beth came over for a few hours, next we babysat David for an hour, then we picked up kids at school since it's early day (out at 2:22pm). After we got home, the neighbor kids from down the street and Brittney's friend from next door came to play. Then at 4pm Aubrey and Coby came while Heather went to a doctor's appointment. Quick supper and we're off to church!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Zeke Says

On Saturday evening as I was tucking Zeke in, I mentioned to him how exciting it was that he was 7. He looked at me and let me know that he was NOT 7. I knew he'd been looking forword to this birthday since last November when Riley turned 7 so I was a little confused. He'd been so happy during the day because it was finally his birthday. I thought maybe he misunderstood me, so I said again, "It's your birthday today!" Zeke: "I know." Me: "You're 7 now." Zeke: "No, I'm not 7 yet!" Me: " Yes, you are. It's your birthday today!" Zeke: No, I'm not 7 yet! I haven't had my cake!"

More From the Birthday Party

My nephew Coby's first piece of pizza! Just kidding. We didn't really give it to him.
Zeke loved the air hockey table. My niece Aubrey turning in her tickets. Dan, Grandma Connie and Heather relaxing and chatting.

Monday, October 5, 2009

More Birthday Fun

Chuck E Cheese

Zeke and Papa Larry love celebrating their birthdays together. Both on Oct 3rd!
One of Zeke's favorite games was flying an airplane. Brit watched.
And of course, a hug from ChuckE!

Thanks Grandma Dee and April!!!

Zeke opening the card from Grandma Dee and Aunt April.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tune In Tomorrow

Please tune in tomorrow for pictures of Zeke and Papa Larry's Birthday at Chuck E Cheese.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Zeke Says

Zeke thinks he's got it all figured out since it's his birthday today. As I was helping him brush his teeth, he said, "You're my maid!"

Bath Time


Riley Says

As I was writing the previous post on love, Riley read when I wrote "May I be a parent who loves." I wrote it as a statement and prayer but when Riley read it he though it was a question. He looked at me and said, "Yes! You're a parent who loves!" Made my whole day!


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. I Corinthians 13:4-7,13 . May I be a parent who loves.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Rainy Day

Even though it's rainy and dreary outside, I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit this morning. So far, I've made breakfast for the kids, got them off to school with the appropriate folders, library books, papers and snacks. I met with Zeke's speech teacher concerning his recent hearing test information. Then when I got home I finished the laundry, made two loaves of zuchinni bread, canned 14 pints of salsa and cleaned the kitchen. Right now, I have five minutes before the canning timer goes off. After that I need to pick up Anthony and drop him off at Heather's so I can go to a Special Education lunch meeting. This afternoon, it's finish the salsa, pick up kids from school, get a birthday gift and deliver Brit to a birthday party. Steve's working a weird shift so he'll be home later than usual tonight. Just because I'm a "stay-at-home" mom definitely does not mean I sit at home! Guess that's it for now since the timers going off. Just realized that I don't have a cool can lifter like my mom. Darn!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


This is for those of you that are of the mistaken impression that our son Riley is a completely healthy 7 1/2 year old boy. He's handsome, plays sports, has friends, loves to hug everyone and is generally polite. But even after living with us for almost three years, he still has issues with stealing and hoarding. The true issue is not really about either one. It really comes down to the fact that his little mind still doesn't think that we'll provide and take care of him so he tries to do it on his own. I took this picture this morning to show what I typically find every few weeks when I look between his bed and the wall. A majority of the trash is snack wrappers. I used to confront him with the trash but that didn't do either one of us any good. Now I just find it without him knowing so that I continue to know where his "secret" hiding place is. We're working on letting us know when he wants a snack and eating it in the kitchen at snack time. Thankfully, two of the other big issues we were concerned about with Riley seem to no longer be big issues; lying and innapropriate sexual behavior. We've worked really hard to develop a trust with Riley so he doesn't feel so threatened and defensive when questioned. He's a smart kid so when we take the time to talk things out with him, he usually figures things out. He has pretty low impulse contol so we also roll-play a lot to give him lots of practice at what's appropriate. He wants so badly to be a "normal" kid and to be liked by everyone. It's taken a long time and a lot of hard work but he's so much better in so many areas. We're so thankful for him!