Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tennessee Day Four - The Best Laid Plans

This morning David was still sleeping and Allen and Jen needed to meet Alicia, the adoption specialist, at 8am. So I offered to stay in the room with David so he could sleep and they could go eat breakfast and still get to the hospital on time. Because we shipped our clothes ahead of time, we tried to keep the clothing to a minimum, knowing we could always wash clothes here. Since we're on day four, it's about time to wash clothes. Especially since David is out of clean pants. Jen and I decided he could just go to breakfast in his PJ's and then I could throw them in the wash with everything else. Then he could get dressed in clean clothes and still have clean PJ's. The best laid plans never seem to work out like you'd expect them to. Because David slept so long, he had completely wet through his pajamas. There was no way he could wear them to breakfast. Fortunately, there was a pair of his jeans hanging in the bathroom that had gotten wet with just plain water yesterday and they were now dry enough to put back on. We went down to breakfast and again, everyone thought David was adorable. Now we'll just hang out for a while until Jen texts us that they want me to bring David to meet his new sister.

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