Saturday, August 1, 2009


Steve, Taylor and I attended the wedding of one of Steve's co-workers this afternoon. It's the first wedding I've been to in a long time where I didn't know anyone except Steve. I was way out of my comfort zone. It's interesting that even people who know me well think I'm outgoing and extroverted but I really prefer to be by myself or with people I know well. Thankfully I have a good husband who knows me and stays right by me until I'm comfortable. He doesn't leave my side for a minute. What a great guy! By the time we reached the reception, I had been introduced to some of his work friends so we sat with them. We ended up having a pretty good time. Turns out we had quite a bit in common and had a lot to talk about. . One of the best quotes of the night came from Steve. We were discussing prisons and their location. This led to talk of incarceration facilities in Sioux Falls and Yankton and then we mentioned that Redfield houses the state mental hospital. Immediately, Steve said, "My mom lives there." All the eyes at the table got really big! I quickly jumped in and said, "Not at the mental hospital, just in the town."

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